首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior >Previous administration of naltrexone did not change synergism between paracetamol and tramadol in mice

Previous administration of naltrexone did not change synergism between paracetamol and tramadol in mice


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In the treatment of acute and chronic pain the most frequently used drugs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), e.g., paracetamol; opioids, e.g., tramadol, and a group of drugs called coanalgesics or adjuvants (e.g., antidepressants, anticonvulsants). The aim of this work was to determine the nature of the interaction induced by intraperitoneal or intrathecal coadministration of paracetamol and tramadol. The type of interaction was evaluated by means of isobolographic analysis, using the acetic acid writhing test as an algesiometer in mice. In addition, the involvement of opioid receptors in the interaction was studied using naltrexone, a non-selective opioid receptor antagonist. The administration of paracetamol or tramadol induced a dose-dependent antinociceptive activity in the assay. The dose-response curves were characterized by equal efficacy but different potencies, being i.t. paracetamol 11.84 times more potent than i.p. paracetamol, and i.t. tramadol 3.54 times more potent than the i.p. tramadol. The isobolographic analysis indicates a synergistic interaction between the coadministration of i.p. or i.t. paracetamol with tramadol. The interaction index values were similar for the i.p. and i.t. coadministration with values of 0.414 and 0.364, respectively. The different mechanisms of action of paracetamol and tramadol strongly explain the analgesic synergism between them, in agreement with the general theory of drug interaction. This synergic interaction was not modified by the non selective opioid antagonist, naltrexone. This association could be of clinical significance in the treatment of pain with a reduction of doses and adverse effects.
机译:在急性和慢性疼痛的治疗中,最常用的药物是非甾体抗炎药(NSAID),例如对乙酰氨基酚;对乙酰氨基酚。阿片类药物(例如曲马多)和一组称为镇痛药或佐剂的药物(例如抗抑郁药,抗惊厥药)。这项工作的目的是确定对乙酰氨基酚和曲马多在腹膜内或鞘内共同给药引起的相互作用的性质。相互作用的类型通过等效线描记分析法进行评估,其中使用乙酸扭体试验作为小鼠的痛觉测定仪。另外,使用非选择性阿片受体拮抗剂纳曲酮研究了阿片受体在相互作用中的参与。扑热息痛或曲马多的给药在测定中诱导了剂量依赖性抗伤害感受活性。剂量-反应曲线的特征是功效相同但效能不同,即对乙酰氨基酚的效力是腹膜内麻醉的11.84倍扑热息痛曲马多的效力是腹膜内注射的3.54倍曲马多。等效线描记法分析表明腹膜内注射联合给药之间存在协同作用。或对乙酰氨基酚与曲马多。 i.p.的互动指数值相似。还有共同给药的值分别为0.414和0.364。扑热息痛和曲马多的不同作用机理与药物相互作用的一般理论一致,强烈解释了它们之间的镇痛作用。非选择性阿片拮抗剂纳曲酮未改变这种协同作用。这种联系对于减少疼痛和不良反应的疼痛治疗具有临床意义。



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