首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric allergy and immunology: official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology >Patterns of latex allergen recognition in children sensitized to natural rubber latex.

Patterns of latex allergen recognition in children sensitized to natural rubber latex.


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Single recombinant latex allergens permit the study of the pattern of sensitization to individual allergens. We aimed to quantify the IgE-response to individual latex allergens in children sensitized to latex. The study group included 31 latex-sensitized children: 26 operated at least twice, 20 of them with spina bifida; two children with one operation and three atopic non-operated children. IgE antibodies to rHev b 1, rHev b 3, rHev b 5, rHev b 6.01, rHev b 7.02 and rHev b 8, coupled to ImmunoCAPs, were measured in each serum. IgE responses to rHev b 1, rHev b 5 and rHev b 6.01 were found in 17 children each, and their mean +/- s.d. levels were 5 +/- 7.4, 16.8 +/- 14 and 10 +/- 18 kU/l, respectively. IgE responses to rHev b 3 (4 +/- 5.4 kU/l) were found in eight children. Two children had IgE to rHev b 7 (1.7 and 3.2 kU/l), and none to rHev b 8. Four sera were negative to all tested recombinant allergens. We divided the patients in three groups: sensitized only to rHev b 1, sensitized only to rHev b 5and/or rHev b 6.01, and sensitized to both rHev b 1 and to rHev b 5 and/or rHev b 6.01. The three groups had the same profile of clinical features. Hev b 5 induces the quantitatively higher IgE responses in children with multiple surgeries sensitized to latex. Responses to Hev b 6.01 equal those of Hev b 1.
机译:单一的重组乳胶过敏原允许研究对单个过敏原的致敏模式。我们旨在量化对乳胶过敏儿童的个体乳胶过敏原的IgE反应。该研究组包括31名对乳胶敏感的儿童:26名至少进行了两次手术,其中20名患有脊柱裂。 2名儿童进行了一次手术,3名特应性非手术儿童。在每种血清中测量了针对rHev b 1,rHev b 3,rHev b 5,rHev b 6.01,rHev b 7.02和rHev b 8的IgE抗体,并与ImmunoCAP偶联。分别在17名儿童中发现了对rHev b 1,rHev b 5和rHev b 6.01的IgE反应,其平均值为+/-s.d。水平分别为5 +/- 7.4、16.8 +/- 14和10 +/- 18 kU / l。在8名儿童中发现了对rHev b 3(4 +/- 5.4 kU / l)的IgE反应。两个孩子的rHev b 7(1.7和3.2 kU / l)的IgE抗体,而rHev b 8的IgE的抗体没有。四个血清对所有测试的重组变应原均为阴性。我们将患者分为三组:仅对rHev b 1致敏,仅对rHev b 5和/或rHev b 6.01致敏,对rHev b 1和rHev b 5和/或rHev b 6.01致敏。三组具有相同的临床特征。在对乳胶敏感的多次手术中,Hev b 5诱导了较高数量的IgE反应。对Hev b 6.01的响应与对Hev b 1的响应相同。



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