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Estimating the annual number of false negative cystic fibrosis newborn screening tests


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a relatively common, life-threatening, autosomal recessive disease that can now be diagnosed routinely through newborn screening using immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) as the primary analyte or first tier. Rock et al. describe the many possible causes of false negative (FN) results that can occur after newborn screening for CF but do not quantify the number of such missed cases that might be expected in a defined region (i.e., state, province, or country). We would like to extend that description by summarizing useful methods applied to the U.S. and sharing information discovered while estimating the annual number of CF screening FNs in each state. Nationwide screening for CF was underway during 2010 using either the IRT/IRT (15 states plus DC) or IRT/ DNA (35 states) strategy. Our intent in calculating the potential number of FNs/year was to evaluate the magnitude of the challenge as related to screening method and provide states with estimates of what should be expected in future years as these missed cases are diagnosed based on signs/symptoms. In addition, we sought to determine the proportion of newborns screened by each method and the implications with regard to FNs.
机译:囊性纤维化(CF)是一种相对常见的威胁生命的常染色体隐性疾病,现在可以通过使用免疫反应性胰蛋白酶原(IRT)作为主要分析物或第一级的新生儿筛查常规诊断。洛克等。描述在新生儿进行CF筛查后可能发生的假阴性(FN)结果的许多可能原因,但没有量化在定义的区域(即州,省或国家)中可能期望的此类漏诊病例的数量。我们希望通过总结适用于美国的有用方法并共享发现的信息,同时估算每个州CF筛查FN的年度数量来扩展该描述。使用IRT / IRT(15个州加DC)或IRT / DNA(35个州)策略在2010年进行全国CF筛查。我们计算潜在FN数量/年的目的是评估与筛查方法相关的挑战的严重程度,并为各州提供未来几年的预期估计值,因为这些失踪病例是根据体征/症状诊断出来的。此外,我们试图确定每种方法筛查的新生儿的比例及其对FN的影响。



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