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Grand rotation curve and dark-matter halo in the Milky Way Galaxy


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A grand rotation curve of the Milky Way Galaxy was constructed, which covers a wide range of radius from the Galactic Center to ~ 1 Mpc, and was deconvolved into bulge, disk, and halo components by least-squares fittings. We determined the masses and scale radii of the bulge and disk to be M _b = (1.652 ± 0.083) × 10 ~(10) M ⊙, a _b = 0.522 ± 0.037 kpc,M _d = (3.41 ± 0.41) × 10 ~(10) M ⊙, and a _d = 3.19 ± 0.35 kpc. The dark halo was fitted by the Navaro-Frenk-White (NFW) density profile, ρ = ρ _0/[(R/h)(1 + R/h) ~2], and the fit yielded h = 12.5 ± 0.9 kpc and ρ _0 = (1.06 ± 0.14) × 10 ~(-2)M ⊙ pc ~(-3). The local dark-matter density near the Sun at R _0 = 8 kpc was estimated to be ρ ⊙ _0 = (6.12 ± 0.80) × 10 ~(-3)M ⊙ pc ~(-3) = 0.235 ± 0.030GeVcm ~(-3). The total mass inside the gravitational boundary of the Galaxy at R ~ 385 kpc, a half distance to M31, was estimated to be M b+d+h = (7.03 ± 1.01) × 10 ~(11)M ⊙. This leads to a stellar baryon fraction of M _(b+d)/M _(b+d+h) = 0.072 ± 0.018. Considering the expected baryon fraction in the Local Group, we suggest that baryons in the form of hot gas are filling the dark halo with a temperature of ~ 10 ~6 K and an emission measure of ~ 10 ~(-5) pc cm ~2. Such hot halo gas may share a small fraction of the observed X-ray background emission.
机译:绘制了一条银河系的大旋转曲线,它覆盖了从银河系中心到〜1 Mpc的大范围半径,并通过最小二乘拟合将其分解为凸出,圆盘和晕轮分量。我们确定凸出部分和圆盘的质量和比例半径为M _b =(1.652±0.083)×10〜(10)M⊙,a _b = 0.522±0.037 kpc,M d =(3.41±0.41)×10〜 (10)M⊙,且_d = 3.19±0.35 kpc。暗晕通过Navaro-Frenk-White(NFW)密度曲线拟合,ρ=ρ_0 / [(R / h)(1 + R / h)〜2],拟合得出h = 12.5±0.9 kpc且ρ_0=(1.06±0.14)×10〜(-2)M⊙pc〜(-3)。在R _0 = 8 kpc处太阳附近的局部暗物质密度估计为ρ_0 = 0 =(6.12±0.80)×10〜(-3)M⊙pc〜(-3)= 0.235±0.030GeVcm〜( -3)。在距M31一半距离的R〜385 kpc处,银河引力边界内的总质量估计为M b + d + h =(7.03±1.01)×10〜(11)M⊙。这导致恒星重子分数M _(b + d)/ M _(b + d + h)= 0.072±0.018。考虑到本地群中预期的重子分数,我们建议以热气形式的重子以〜10〜6 K的温度和〜10〜(-5)pc cm〜2的发射量填充暗晕。 。这样的热晕气体可能会共享所观察到的X射线背景发射的一小部分。



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