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Country strife: smarter pricing policies could ease parking problems in beauty spots


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When proposals to revamp parking, provision in Snowdonia National Park were launched in 2002, there was such an outcry that the plan had to be ditched. The protests centred on plans to cut the total amount of parking available at Snowdonia's "honeypot" areas, which attract the greatest amount of tourists in peak times and siphon visitors onto park-and-ride buses departing from strategic points around the park. A subsequent review of the proposals, led by Cardiff-based RPS Consultants, concluded there was no justification for the park-and-ride scheme - at least nowhere near the scale proposed. The historic level of parking should be "retained", RPS's said, and the overspill even accommodated in a bid to reduce the particular problem of cars spilling out from overcrowded car parks, onto road verges or pavements. As well as being an eyesore, verge parking in Snowdonia and other national parks causes extensive damage, for which someone has to foot the bill.
机译:当2002年提出在斯诺登尼亚国家公园改建停车场的提议时,人们强烈抗议,不得不放弃该计划。抗议活动的重点是减少在斯诺登尼亚“蜜罐”区的停车总量的计划,该区在高峰时段吸引了最大数量的游客,并吸引游客乘坐从公园周围战略要地出发的乘车大巴。由总部位于加的夫的RPS顾问领导的对提案的后续审查得出的结论是,“停车换乘”计划没有任何理由-至少没有提议的规模。 RPS表示,应该“保留”历史性的停车位,并且为了防止汽车从人满为患的停车场溢出到道路的边缘或人行道上的特殊问题,甚至可以解决溢出的问题。在斯诺登尼亚(Snowdonia)和其他国家公园的边缘停车位不仅令人眼花,乱,而且还造成了广泛的破坏,为此,有人必须承担费用。



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