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Pain-related bias in the classification of emotionally ambiguous facial expressions in mothers of children with chronic abdominal pain


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This study sought to determine whether mothers of young people with chronic abdominal pain (CAP) compared to mothers of pain-free children show a pain recognition bias when they classify facial emotional expressions. One hundred demographically matched mothers of children with CAP (n = 50) and control mothers (n = 50) were asked to identify different emotions expressed by adults in 2 experiments. In experiment 1, participants were required to identify the emotion in a series of facial images that depicted 100% intensity of the following emotions: Pain, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Happiness, and Neutral. In experiment 2, mothers were required to identify the predominant emotion in a series of computer-interpolated ("morphed") facial images. In this experiment, pain was combined with Sad, Angry, Fearful, Happy, and Neutral facial expressions in different proportions - that is, 90%:10%, 70%:30%, 50%:50%, 30%:70%, 10%:90%. All participants completed measures of state and trait anxiety, depression, and anxiety sensitivity. In experiment 1, there was no difference in the performance of the 2 groups of mothers. In experiment 2, it was found that overall mothers of children with CAP were classifying ambiguous emotional expressions predominantly as pain. Mean response times for CAP and control groups did not differ significantly. Mothers of children with CAP did not report more anxiety, depression, and anxiety sensitivity compared to control mothers. It is concluded that mothers of children with CAP show a pain bias when interpreting ambiguous emotional expressions, which possibly contributes to the maintenance of this condition in children via specific parenting behaviours.
机译:本研究旨在确定患有慢性腹痛(CAP)的年轻人的母亲与没有疼痛的儿童的母亲相比,在对面部表情进行分类时是否表现出疼痛识别偏见。在2个实验中,要求100名符合人口统计学特征的CAP儿童母亲(n = 50)和对照母亲(n = 50)识别成年人表达的不同情绪。在实验1中,要求参与者在一系列面部图像中识别情感,这些面部图像描述了以下情感的100%强度:疼痛,悲伤,愤怒,恐惧,幸福和中立。在实验2中,要求母亲在一系列计算机内插(“变形”)面部图像中识别出主要的情绪。在此实验中,将疼痛与悲伤,愤怒,恐惧,快乐和中立的面部表情以不同比例组合在一起-即90%:10%,70%:30%,50%:50%,30%:70% ,10%:90%。所有参与者都完成了状态和特质焦虑,抑郁和焦虑敏感性的测量。在实验1中,两组母亲的表现没有差异。在实验2中,发现CAP儿童的整体母亲主要将模棱两可的情感表达归类为疼痛。 CAP和对照组的平均反应时间没有显着差异。与对照母亲相比,CAP儿童的母亲没有更多的焦虑,抑郁和焦虑敏感性报告。结论是,患有CAP的儿童的母亲在解释模棱两可的情感表达时表现出疼痛偏见,这可能通过特定的养育行为有助于维持儿童的这种状况。



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