
Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia revisited and updated.


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Most pancreatic neoplasms are classified as ductal adenocarcinoma because they show a ductal phenotype, making a ductal origin very likely. The duct lesions that may give rise to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma have been called pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN). A classification system for these lesions distinguishes between three grades of PanIN. Molecular studies revealed that PanIN-2 and PanIN-3 lesions represent a distinct step towards invasive carcinoma. While high-grade PanINs are extremely rare in the normal pancreas, low-grade PanINs are common in individuals older than 40 years and may be associated with lobular fibrosis and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the gastric type. This disease spectrum has also been described in members of kindreds with familial pancreatic cancer. The natural history and cause of PanINs are unknown. As PanIN-1 lesions entail little risk, while PanIN-3 lesions are high-risk lesions, it would be of interest to target PanIN-2 lesions, which can be regarded as the starting point of progressive neoplastic changes that lead to invasive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Global gene expression analysis identified several differentially expressed genes which show enhanced expression in PanINs and may be used as potential biomarkers to facilitate diagnosis and therapy.
机译:大多数胰腺肿瘤被归类为导管腺癌,因为它们显示出导管表型,因此很可能是导管起源。可能引起胰腺导管腺癌的导管病变被称为胰腺上皮内瘤变(PanIN)。这些病变的分类系统将PanIN分为三个等级。分子研究表明,PanIN-2和PanIN-3病变代表了向浸润性癌迈出的独特一步。高等级的PanIN在正常胰腺中极为罕见,而低等级的PanIN在40岁以上的人群中很常见,可能与小叶纤维化和胃内导管型乳头状黏液性肿瘤有关。在家族性胰腺癌的家族成员中也描述了这种疾病谱。 PanIN的自然历史和病因尚不清楚。由于PanIN-1病变的风险很小,而PanIN-3病变是高风险的病变,因此针对PanIN-2病变是很有意义的,可以将其视为进行性肿瘤改变(导致侵袭性胰腺导管癌)的起点腺癌。全球基因表达分析确定了几个差异表达的基因,这些基因在PanINs中表达增强,可以用作潜在的生物标记物,以促进诊断和治疗。



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