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Non-REM-sleep instability in recurrent sleepwalking in pre-pubertal children.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We questioned whether or not the sleep of pre-pubertal children with recurrent sleepwalking was different from that recorded in normal children. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twelve pre-pubertal chronic sleepwalkers were compared to age- and gender-matched normal children. All children had a clinical evaluation covering pediatric, sleep, neuropsychiatric and otolaryngological fields. Two standardized sleep questionnaires were administered, and a minimum of two successive polysomnograms were performed with monitoring of sleep electroencephalographic (EEG) and cardiorespiratory variables. The research investigations were performed on nights without sleepwalking to search for the presence of other sleep disorders, including upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS). Sleep was scored using standard atlases, but it was also evaluated for the cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) rate. RESULTS: All sleepwalkers presented with either obstructive sleep apnea (n=2) or UARS (n=10). Compared to normal children, sleepwalkers had shorter total sleep time but no significant change in wake after sleep onset when considering all arousals >3s. CAP analysis showed a significantly higher CAP rate than in controls. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic sleepwalkers have instability of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep detectable only by the calculation of CAP rate. Instability of NREM sleep was seen even on nights without sleepwalking and is probably related to the presence of the associated sleep disorders. We hypothesize that chronic NREM-sleep instability is a risk factor for occurrence of sleepwalking when further sleep disruption is triggered by external events.
机译:背景与目的:我们质疑青春期前反复梦游的儿童的睡眠与正常儿童的睡眠是否有所不同。患者与方法:将十二名青春期前的慢性梦游者与年龄和性别相匹配的正常儿童进行了比较。所有儿童均接受了涵盖儿科,睡眠,神经精神科和耳鼻喉科领域的临床评估。进行了两个标准化的睡眠问卷,并至少进行了两次连续的多导睡眠图监测睡眠脑电图(EEG)和心肺变量。该研究调查是在没有梦游的夜晚进行的,以寻找是否存在其他睡眠障碍,包括上呼吸道阻力综合征(UARS)。使用标准地图集对睡眠进行评分,但是还评估了循环交替模式(CAP)的频率。结果:所有梦游者均出现阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(n = 2)或UARS(n = 10)。与正常儿童相比,梦游者的总睡眠时间较短,但考虑到所有觉醒> ​​3s时,入睡后醒来的时间无明显变化。 CAP分析显示CAP率明显高于对照组。结论:慢性梦游者只有通过计算CAP率才能检测到非快速眼动(NREM)睡眠的不稳定性。即使在没有梦游的夜晚也观察到NREM睡眠的不稳定性,这可能与相关睡眠障碍的存在有关。我们假设当外部事件触发进一步睡眠中断时,慢性NREM睡眠不稳定是梦游发生的危险因素。



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