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Food supplementation: A tool to increase reproductive output? A case study in the threatened Florida Scrub-Jay


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The federally threatened Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) has suffered dramatic losses in recent years primarily because of overdevelopment of its unique scrub habitat. Ensuring the survival of this species will require not only measures to reduce habitat loss, but also efforts to increase the numbers of birds in small scattered populations to a point at which they are resilient to extinction from stochastic population fluctuations. Here we evaluate the utility of providing supplementary food during the pre-breeding season as a means of increasing the reproductive output of Florida Scrub-Jays. Data collected from 2000 to 2007 at Archbold Biological Station in south-central Florida indicate a marked effect of supplemental feeding on reproductive output. This increased output appeared to result primarily from larger clutch sizes produced by supplemented female breeders as a result of their advanced laying. Supplementation also increased offspring survival probabilities and the early laying permitted more renesting attempts. Furthermore, annual variation in several reproductive measures was dampened in supplemented birds, suggesting that supplemental feeding may reduce environmental or stochastic effects on reproductive output. Although a number of potential problems may be associated with supplemental feeding (e.g., predator entrainment and increased opportunity for disease transmission), it can serve as a valuable tool for management agencies that wish to rapidly increase local carrying capacity. In addition, food supplementation might benefit translocation efforts both by increasing the number of potential translocation candidates from a donor population and then by supplementing the newly established population to promote rapid growth.
机译:受到联邦威胁的佛罗里达灌丛周杰伦(Aphelocoma coerulescens)近年来遭受了重大损失,这主要是因为其独特的灌丛栖息地的过度开发。确保该物种的生存不仅需要采取措施减少栖息地的丧失,而且还需要努力将零星散居种群中的鸟类数量增加到可以抵抗随机种群波动而灭绝的程度。在这里,我们评估了在繁殖前季节提供补充食品的效用,以此来增加佛罗里达灌丛杰伊斯的繁殖产量。 2000年至2007年在佛罗里达州中南部的Archbold生物站收集的数据表明,补充饲料对生殖输出有显着影响。产量的增加似乎主要是由于补充雌性种鸽提前产蛋而产生的更大的离合器尺寸。补品还增加了后代的生存概率,早产可进行更多的筑巢尝试。此外,补充鸟类减少了几种生殖措施的年度变化,这表明补充喂养可能会减少对生殖产出的环境或随机影响。尽管补充饲料可能会带来许多潜在的问题(例如,捕食者和增加疾病传播的机会),但对于希望迅速提高当地承载能力的管理机构来说,它可以作为宝贵的工具。此外,补充食物可能会通过增加捐助者群体中潜在的易位候选者的数量,然后通过补充新建立的种群以促进快速增长,而使易位工作受益。



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