
Characteristics of raw starch degrading alpha-amylase from Bacillus aquimaris MKSC 6.2 associated with soft coral Sinularia sp.

机译:来自与软珊瑚Sinularia sp。相关的水生芽孢杆菌MKSC 6.2的生淀粉降解α-淀粉酶的特征。

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Partially purified alpha-amylase from Bacillus aquimaris MKSC 6.2, a bacterium isolated from a soft coral Sinularia sp., Merak Kecil Island, West Java, Indonesia, showed an ability to degrade raw corn, rice, sago, cassava, and potato starches with adsorption percentage in the range of 65-93%. Corn has the highest degree of hydrolysis followed by cassaca, sago potato and rice, consecutively. The end products of starch hydrolysis were a mixture of maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, maltopentaose, maltohexaose, and small amount of glucose.
机译:来自印度西爪哇岛默拉克·西西尔岛Merak Kecil岛的软珊瑚Sinularia sp。分离出的一种细菌,即水溶芽孢杆菌MKSC 6.2的部分纯化的α-淀粉酶具有吸附降解原玉米,大米,西米,木薯和马铃薯淀粉的能力。百分比在65-93%之间。玉米的水解度最高,其次是木薯,西米土豆和大米。淀粉水解的最终产物是麦芽糖,麦芽三糖,麦芽四糖,麦芽五糖,麦芽六糖和少量葡萄糖的混合物。


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