
Effects of physical aging on thermal and mechanical a properties of glassy normal corn starch


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Physical aging of glassy corn starch and its effect on the physical properties of compressed starch bars were investigated by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical thermal analyzer (DMTA), and Instron texturometer. Amorphous corn starch samples were prepared by drying a starch paste, followed by compressing the dried powders to bar-type specimens under heat (100 degrees C, 1.38 x 10(7) Pa). These bars were then aged at 25 degrees C for up to 22 days, after which thermal and mechanical characteristics were determined. There were progressive increases in glass transition temperature and relaxation enthalpy during the aging, which reached limiting values as structural equilibrium of the amorphous matrix was approached. The peak temperature of the relaxation endotherm (DSC thermogram) changed with time in a trend similar to the relaxation enthalpy. The storage modulus (DMTA) increased with aging time, but the peak intensity of tan delta decreased. The breaking strength (Instron texturometer) increased gradually with time of aging and reached a maximum. It has been demonstrated the relaxation kinetics for glassy amorphous corn starch can be characterized by both thermal and mechanical properties, such as relaxation enthalpy, storage modulus, and breaking strength.
机译:使用差示扫描量热法(DSC),动态机械热分析仪(DMTA)和Instron织构仪研究了玻璃状玉米淀粉的物理老化及其对压缩淀粉棒物理性能的影响。通过干燥淀粉糊,然后将干燥的粉末在加热(100摄氏度,1.38 x 10(7)Pa)下压缩成棒状样品,来制备无定形玉米淀粉样品。然后将这些棒在25摄氏度下老化22天,然后确定其热和机械特性。在老化过程中,玻璃化转变温度和弛豫焓逐渐增加,随着接近无定形基体的结构平衡,其达到极限值。弛豫吸热峰温度(DSC热分析图)随时间变化,其趋势类似于弛豫焓。储能模量(DMTA)随着老化时间的增加而增加,但tanδ的峰值强度降低。断裂强度(Instron织构强度计)随老化时间逐渐增加并达到最大值。已经证明玻璃态无定形玉米淀粉的弛豫动力学可以通过热性能和机械性能来表征,例如弛豫焓,储能模量和断裂强度。



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