首页> 外文期刊>Southern Journal of Applied Forestry >Quantitative and Qualitative Measures of Decomposition: Is There a Link?

Quantitative and Qualitative Measures of Decomposition: Is There a Link?


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Decomposition rates of loblolly pine coarse woody debris (CWD) were determined by mass loss and wood density changes for trees that differed in source of mortality (natural, girdle-poison, and felling). Specifically, three treatments were examined: (1) control (CON): natural mortality; (2) (D: 5-fold increase in CWD compared with the CON; and (3) (S: 12-fold increase in snags compared with the (ON. The additional CWD in the CD treatment plots and the additional snags in the CS plots were achieved by felling (for the CD plots) or girdling followed by herbicide injection (for the (S plots) select trees in these plots. Consequently, mortality on the CD plots is due to natural causes and felling. Likewise, mortality on the (S plots is due to natural causes and girdle-poison. In each treatment plot, mortality due to natural causes was inventoried since 1997, whereas mortality due to girdle-poison and felling were inventoried since 2001. No significant difference was detected between the rates of decomposition for the CWD on these treatment plots, indicating that source of the tree mortality did not influence rates of decomposition once the free fell. These experimental measures of decomposition were compared with two decay classification systems (three- and five-unit classifications) to determine linkages. Changes in wood density did not correlate to any decay classification, whereas mass loss had a weak correlation with decay (lass. However, the large degree of variation limits the utility of decay classification systems in estimating mass loss.
机译:火炬松的粗木屑(CWD)的分解率是由树木的质量损失和木材密度变化确定的,这些树木的死亡率不同(自然,腰带中毒和砍伐)。具体而言,检查了三种治疗方法:(1)对照(CON):自然死亡率; (2)(D:与CON相比,CWD增加了5倍;和(3)(S:与(ON。)相比较,障碍物增加了12倍。 CS地块是通过砍伐(对于CD地块)或环剥,然后注入除草剂(对于(S地块)选择这些地块中的树木来实现的,因此,CD地块上的死亡率是由于自然原因和砍伐造成的。 (S地块是由于自然原因和腰带中毒引起的。在每个处理地块中,自1997年以来盘点了自然原因引起的死亡率,而自2001年以来盘点了由于腰带中毒和砍伐造成的死亡率。在这些处理地块上,CWD的分解速率,表明树木的死亡源不影响自由落体后的分解速率,并将这些分解的实验方法与两个衰减分类系统(三单元分类法和五单元分类法)进行了比较。大小)以确定链接。木材密度的变化与任何衰变分类均不相关,而质量损失与衰变之间的相关性较弱(玻璃。但是,较大的变化程度限制了衰变分类系统在估算质量损失中的效用。



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