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FMC to Expand Soda Ash Producton at Green River


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FMC Corp., Philadelphia, announced Jan. 20 that its board of directors approved an expansion of the company's soda ash production facility -at Green River, Wyo., utilizing a new low cost technology. The 45 million dollars expansion investment will add 700 thousand tons in 1997, raising FMC's total annual soda ash capacity to 3.55 million tons from 2.85 million tons. According to William G. Walter, FMC Alkali Chemicals division manager, the expansion will give the added capacity necessary to meet the anticipated growth from Asian and Latin American markets. "This growth and a contract commitment to supply a major new domestic application will absorb much of the expansion capacity," Mr. Walter added. The 45 million dollars cost of the expansion makes it the most capital efficient in the industry and the only expansion that is justifiable at current low soda ash prices, he said.
机译:费城的FMC Corp.于1月20日宣布,其董事会批准了利用新的低成本技术扩展公司位于怀俄明州Green River的纯碱生产设施的计划。这项4500万美元的扩建投资将在1997年增加70万吨,使FMC的年纯碱总产量从285万吨增加到355万吨。 FMC碱性化学品部门经理William G. Walter表示,此次扩张将为满足亚洲和拉丁美洲市场的预期增长提供必要的额外能力。沃尔特补充说:“这种增长和提供主要的新国内应用的合同承诺将吸收大部分的扩张能力。”他说,扩建的成本为4500万美元,使其成为该行业中资本效率最高的,并且是在目前较低的纯碱价格下合理的唯一扩建。



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