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Global Standard for Food Safety - Issue7


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Underthe terms of the UK Food Safety Act 1990, all sectors involved with the supply of food, have an obligation to take all reasonable precautions and exercise due diligence in the avoidance of failures in the development, manufacture, distribution, advertising and sale of food to the consumers. In the context of retailer branded products the verification of performance at site is a requirement. Initially, this task was done by the retailers themselves with the aid of internally developed standards.The internally developed standards bring in non-uniformity in the application of criteria developed separately by the retailers. To set right this anomaly, British Retail Consortium stepped in and brought out the first issue of BRC Standard in 1998. Within a span of 17 years the standard has been revised 7 times evidencing the dynamism of this popular standard. Yet another fact is that the standard has been translated into several languages to ensure effective implementation across the world. The seventh issue has been developed with inputs from international stakeholders representing, food manufacturers, retailers, food service companies and Certification Bodies and aptly titled as 'Global Standard for Food Safety'.
机译:根据《 1990年英国食品安全法》的规定,与食品供应有关的所有部门都有义务采取一切合理的预防措施并尽职调查,以避免食品开发,生产,分销,广告和销售失败。消费者。对于零售商品牌产品,必须在现场进行性能验证。最初,这项任务是由零售商自己在内部制定的标准的帮助下完成的。内部制定的标准在应用由零售商单独制定的标准时会导致不一致。为了纠正这种异常,英国零售联合会于1998年介入并推出了第一版BRC标准。在17年的时间里,对该标准进行了7次修订,以证明该流行标准的活力。另一个事实是,该标准已被翻译成多种语言,以确保在全球范围内有效实施。第七期是根据国际利益相关者(食品制造商,零售商,食品服务公司和认证机构)的意见编写的,并被恰当地称为“全球食品安全标准”。



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