首页> 外文期刊>Silvae Genetica >Genetic Gain and Diversity under Different Selection Methods in a Breeding Seed Orchard of Quercus serrata

Genetic Gain and Diversity under Different Selection Methods in a Breeding Seed Orchard of Quercus serrata


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Genetic gain and diversity were estimated in a 13-year old Quercus serrata breeding seed orchard under three selection (rouging) methods. The selections were based on individual selection, family selection, and family plus within family selection. Genetic gain was for stem volume and gene diversity was estimated by status number concept. Both estimated genetic gain and gene diversity were compared to those before selection and among selection scenarios. Estimated genetic gain for tree volume ranged from 4.0% to 9.1% for three selection methods under 50% selection intensity. Individual selection was better than family selection for retaining higher genetic gain and status number. Family plus within family selection was the best selection method, while individual selection was more efficient at the strong selection intensity. An optimal point, which maximized gain and diversity, was occurred at 50% selection intensity that would be applied for genetic thinning in the breeding seed orchard of Quercusserrata. The effect of genetic relatedness among families and possible pollen contamination on both genetic gain and gene diversity, although were not studied but their impact, are discussed. The selection method and intensity level applied should be chosen after careful consideration of the impacts on both genetic gain and diversity for seeds produced from the seed orchard.
机译:通过三种选择(路由)方法,估算了一个13岁的锯齿栎(Quercus serrata)育种种子园的遗传增益和多样性。选择是基于个人选择,家庭选择和家庭加家庭选择。遗传增益是针对茎的体积,而基因多样性是通过状态数概念来估计的。将估计的遗传增益和基因多样性与选择之前和选择情况之间进行了比较。在50%选择强度下,三种选择方法的树木体积估计遗传增益范围为4.0%至9.1%。个人选择比家庭选择更好,因为它保留了更高的遗传增益和地位数。家庭加家庭内选择是最好的选择方法,而个人选择在强选择强度下更有效。在50%的选择强度下,出现了一个最大化增益和多样性的最佳点,该点将用于Quercusserrata种子园的遗传稀疏。尽管尚未进行研究,但对它们之间的影响进行了讨论,但研究了家庭之间的遗传关系和可能的花粉污染对遗传增益和基因多样性的影响。在仔细考虑从种子园生产的种子对遗传增益和多样性的影响后,应选择合适的选择方法和强度水平。



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