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New hope for Jesus (and others)


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In both name and attitude, Jesus Neu-va Esperanza (Jesus New Hope) defies the dry, ochre-colored land surrounding the vivid greea lot where she lives in Honduras. A vegetable garden, trees pushing to the sky and a chicken coop with, built-in manure box, are the proud results of her determination to improve income, food supply and family nutrition. la her village of 140 souls, she is both learner and teacher. To raise small stock, plant trees and sow a garden in the district of Yalle has been no easytask for the 45-year-old campesina. Deforestation has encouraged chronic drought in the region, turning the land into some of the poorest of Honduras. To find water, wood, or lush foliage here is like finding an emerald on the moon. Overthe course of the century this region, in the arid tropics along the Pacific coastline, has been despoiled of its forest land, including its best timber-yielding trees. People go hongry while the cleared land is used for cattle-grazing and for cotton crops'rapidly being replaced by melons for export.
机译:在名字和态度上,耶稣纽瓦·埃斯佩兰萨(Jesus Neu-va Esperanza)(耶稣新希望)都对她居住在洪都拉斯的生动的希腊地区周围的干燥,石色土地提出了挑战。她决心提高收入,食物供应和家庭营养,而引以为傲的是一个菜园,一望无际的树木和一个带内置肥料箱的鸡舍。在她有140个灵魂的村庄里,她既是学习者又是老师。对于45岁的Campesina来说,在耶鲁(Yalle)区种些小树,种一棵树和种一个花园并不容易。森林砍伐加剧了该地区的长期干旱,使该国成为洪都拉斯最贫穷的地区。在这里找到水,木头或茂密的树叶就像在月球上找到绿宝石。在一个世纪的过程中,该地区位于太平洋沿海岸线的干旱热带地区,其林地(包括其出产最好的木材的树木)已被破坏。人们将饥饿的土地饿死了,而开垦后的土地被用于放牧牲畜和棉花作物,而甜瓜则迅速被瓜子替代,用于出口。



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