
Surviving brain surgery.


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Brain surgery has completely changed my life. When I was asked to consider having brain surgery, I found myself faced with a huge decision. I would like to describe my experience of the whole process, in the hope that this will help others who find themselves in a similar situation.Although they were initially misdiagnosed as migraine auras, I had been having simple partial and complex partial seizures since I was about four years old. They were not correctly diagnosed as epilepsy until they started to develop into tonic-clonic seizures when I was 16 and started seeing a neurologist. 1 was prescribed a variety of beta-blockers and anti-convulsants in many combinations, but none of these seemed to control the seizures. None of the diagnostic tests I had - from what I remember, two EEGs, two CT scans, and two MRIs - revealed anything of any use. This was the way things were to continue for many years.
机译:脑外科手术彻底改变了我的生活。当我被要求考虑进行脑外科手术时,我发现自己面临着一个巨大的决定。我想描述一下我在整个过程中的经历,希望这对其他处于类似情况的人有所帮助。尽管他们最初被误诊为偏头痛先兆,但自从大约四岁。在我16岁时开始发展为强直性阵挛性癫痫发作并开始看神经科医生之前,他们没有被正确诊断为癫痫病。 1处方了多种组合的各种β-受体阻滞剂和抗惊厥药,但似乎没有一种能控制癫痫发作。我进行的任何诊断测试-从我记得的情况来看,两次脑电图,两次CT扫描和两次MRI-都没有发现任何有用的东西。这就是事情要持续很多年的方式。



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