首页> 外文期刊>Seizure: the journal of the British Epilepsy Association >Cerebrospinal fluid tau as a marker of neuronal damage after epileptic seizure.

Cerebrospinal fluid tau as a marker of neuronal damage after epileptic seizure.


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PURPOSE: Whether repeated brief seizures can cause neuronal damage is controversial. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) total tau (T-tau) and phosphorylated tau (P-tau) measurements have been suggested for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, and T-tau may also be a marker of axonal damage and neuronal degeneration. We studied T-tau and P-tau levels and P-tau/T-tau ratio in CSF after epileptic seizures in order to determine whether they are increased after seizures. METHODS: A total of 54 patients with tonic-clonic or partial secondarily generalized seizures due to various etiologies were studied and CSF obtained within 48h after the seizure. RESULTS: There were no statistical differences in the levels of T-tau (p=0.09, ANOVA) or P-tau (p=0.60) between different etiologic groups or controls. No patients with epilepsy of unknown origin had abnormal CSF T-tau whereas 11 patients with acute or remote symptomatic seizures had abnormal T-tau levels and the P-tau/T-tau ratio showed significant differences between the groups and controls (p=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Epileptic seizures with unknown etiology did not increase CSF tau levels. Abnormal tau levels were associated with either acute or remote symptomatic seizures with known etiology. The presence of elevated CSF tau increases the probability of symptomatic cause in a patient with a seizure.
机译:目的:反复反复发作是否会引起神经元损害是有争议的。有人建议通过脑脊液(CSF)总tau(T-tau)和磷酸化tau(P-tau)测量来诊断阿尔茨海默氏病,T-tau也可能是轴突损伤和神经元变性的标志。我们研究了癫痫发作后脑脊液中的T-tau和P-tau水平以及P-tau / T-tau比,以确定它们在癫痫发作后是否增加。方法:对54例因各种病因引起的强直性阵挛性或部分继发性癫痫发作的患者进行研究,并在癫痫发​​作后48小时内获得脑脊液。结果:不同病因组或对照组之间的T-tau(p = 0.09,ANOVA)或P-tau(p = 0.60)水平无统计学差异。没有原因不明的癫痫患者没有CSF T-tau异常,而11例急性或偏远症状性癫痫发作的患者T-tau水平异常,P-tau / T-tau比值在组和对照组之间显示出显着差异(p = 0.003) )。结论:病因未知的癫痫发作并未增加脑脊液tau水平。 tau水平异常与病因已知的急性或远程症状性癫痫发作有关。脑脊液tau升高会增加癫痫患者出现症状的可能性。



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