首页> 外文期刊>Cardiovascular pathology: the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology >Fibrosing mediastinitis due to Aspergillus with dominant cardiac involvement: report of two autopsy cases with review of literature

Fibrosing mediastinitis due to Aspergillus with dominant cardiac involvement: report of two autopsy cases with review of literature


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Fibrosing mediastinitis (FM) is a rare condition characterized by extensive proliferation of fibrous tissue in the mediastinum resulting in mass like lesion. Histoplasma and Mycobacterium tuberculosis are the common infective causes of fibrosing mediastinitis, but Aspergillus infection is an extremely rare cause. Fibrosing mediastinitis due to Aspergillus usually occurs following Aspergillus bronchopneumonia. Cardiac involvement due to Aspergillus-related fibrosing mediastinitis is extremely rare in immune-competent individuals and occurs following some intervention or as a part of disseminated systemic fungal infection. Here, we report two cases of Aspergillus FM with dominant cardiac involvement in immune-competent patients. Both cases presented with large mediastinal mass and large vegetation in the left atrium. Autopsy findings showed the granulomatous Aspergillus mediastinitis and extension into the heart with associated fibrosis. One case was proven to be due to Aspergillus flavus by fungal genomic sequencing. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of Aspergillus FM with pancarditis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:纤维化纵隔炎(FM)是一种罕见的疾病,其特征在于纵隔中纤维组织的广泛增殖,导致肿块样病变。组织胞浆菌和结核分枝杆菌是纤维化纵隔炎的常见感染原因,但曲霉菌感染是极为罕见的原因。由曲霉菌引起的纤维化纵隔炎通常发生在支气管曲霉肺炎之后。与曲霉菌相关的纤维性纵隔炎引起的心脏受累在具有免疫能力的个体中极为罕见,在某些干预后或作为弥散性全身性真菌感染的一部分而发生。在这里,我们报告了2例伴有免疫功能的患者占优势的心脏曲霉FM。两种病例均表现为纵隔肿块较大,左心房植被丰富。尸检结果显示肉芽肿性曲霉纵隔炎并伴有纤维化而扩展到心脏。通过真菌基因组测序证明一例是由于黄曲霉引起的。据我们所知,这是曲霉菌性FM伴全心炎的首次报道。 (C)2014 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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