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Intellectual infrastructure: A modest critique of forensic science


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Forensic science serves a critical public need, supports both the conviction of the guilty and the exoneration of the innocent, and has been elevated to celebrity status among professions thanks to television. Across the globe, failures in forensic science resound-the St. Paul Crime Lab in Minnesota and Annie Dookhan in Massachusetts, to name two recent and egregious examples-seemingly with no abatement. The US National Academy of Sciences has produced the latest in a series of excoriating reports and two bills calling for forensic science reform languish in the US government. The Forensic Science Service is gone, for reasons still being debated. With disasters galore and governmental attention, money usually flows to provide activity, if not solutions. Why, then, has forensic science had such difficulty fulfilling its role as an honorable star among scientific professions? Three main obstacles occur to me. The first obstacle is resources, especially education and training, personnel, and funding. Education has made great strides in the last 10 years with accreditation of forensic science programs in the US and the UK. Education, particularly in the US, however, needs to move beyond this initial success. Doctorates in forensic science are needed as mainstays of research, to help fill the research gaps that exist in the literature, and to teach. Training in the profession is a hodgepodge of approaches, content, and standards. While jurisdictions influence processes and, therefore, training, the content is another matter.
机译:法医学满足了公众的关键需求,支持对有罪的定罪和无辜者的赦免,并且由于电视的缘故,法医学已提升为专业人士的名人地位。在全球范围内,法医科学的失败正在回响,例如明尼苏达州的圣保罗犯罪实验室和马萨诸塞州的安妮·杜汉(Annie Dookhan),列举了两个最近和令人震惊的例子,似乎并没有减少。美国国家科学院发布了一系列严厉的最新报告和两项法案,呼吁美国政府进行法医学改革。法医科学服务已不复存在,原因仍在争论中。在灾难的肆虐和政府的关注下,资金通常会用于提供活动,即使不是解决方案。那么,为什么鉴识科学难以发挥其作为科学界中光荣的明星的作用?我遇到了三个主要障碍。第一个障碍是资源,特别是教育和培训,人员和资金。在过去的十年中,教育取得了长足的进步,获得了美国和英国法医学计划的认证。但是,教育(尤其是在美国)需要超越最初的成功。法医学领域的博士学位需要作为研究的主体,以帮助填补文献中存在的研究空白并进行教学。专业培训是方法,内容和标准的大杂烩。虽然管辖权影响流程并因此影响培训,但内容是另一回事。



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