首页> 外文期刊>SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems >Optimal Charging of Electric Vehicles using a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model and Price Prediction

Optimal Charging of Electric Vehicles using a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model and Price Prediction


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The idea of grid friendly charging is to use electricity from the grid to charge batteries when electricity is available in surplus and cheap. The goal is twofold: to avoid putting additional load on the electricity grid and to reduce the cost to the consumer. To achieve this, a smart meter and a tariff with variable electricity prices has to be in place. In Day Ahead tariff (DA), prices are announced in advance for the next day, and this information can be used to select the cheapest times to charge the battery by the required amount. The optimization method is very simple, and it only has to be run once per day. However, the balance of supply and demand is not fully known in advance. Therefore Real Time Pricing (RTP) tariff supplies electricity at spot market rate depending on the current balance. This makes the charging process less predictable because it adds a stochastic element, but it does offer the potential of higher savings if future prices can be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy. This paper proposes an optimal controller based on a stochastic dynamic program (SDP), which predicts future price changes from available data. The controller takes into account price variability via a simple grid model that allows of unexpected price rises and a gradual return to a normal grid price. The DP algorithm has two variables, the state of charge (SoC) and the current electricity cost. It traces the expected total cost based on the stochastic model and makes a decision 'to charge or not' to minimize the expected (average) total cost. The results show that in case of a positive probability of price rises, the time to charge is chosen slightly before the lowest expected cost during the night. This is a rational solution, because waiting longer does increase the risk of an unexpected price spike. In the trivial case of a zero probability of unexpected price rises, the solution converges to the one found by the previous deterministic optimization algorithm.
机译:电网友好充电的想法是,当剩余电量充足且价格便宜时,使用电网中的电量为电池充电。目标是双重的:避免在电网上增加额外的负荷,并降低用户的成本。为此,必须配备智能电表和可变电价的电价。在提前一天费率(DA)中,价格会在第二天提前宣布,并且该信息可用于选择最便宜的时间以所需数量为电池充电。优化方法非常简单,每天只需要运行一次。然而,供需平衡尚不完全清楚。因此,实时定价(RTP)费率根据当前余额以现货市场价提供电力。这使计费过程变得不可预测,因为它增加了随机性,但是如果可以以合理的准确度预测未来价格,则确实可以提供更高的节省潜力。本文提出了一种基于随机动态程序(SDP)的最优控制器,该控制器可以根据可用数据预测未来价格的变化。控制器通过一个简单的网格模型考虑了价格的可变性,该模型允许意外的价格上涨并逐渐恢复到正常的网格价格。 DP算法具有两个变量,即充电状态(SoC)和当前用电成本。它基于随机模型跟踪预期的总成本,并做出“不收取费用”的决定,以使预期的(平均)总成本最小化。结果表明,如果价格上涨的可能性为正,则在夜间最低预期成本之前选择充电时间。这是一个合理的解决方案,因为等待更长的时间会增加意外价格飙升的风险。在出现意外价格上涨可能性为零的琐碎情况下,解决方案收敛到以前的确定性优化算法找到的解决方案。



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