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First-principles study of neutral defects in Fe-doped cubic barium titanate


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The DFT formalism within the GGA+U approximation has been used to investigate the effect of iron doping in the cubic phase of barium titanate. It has been found that aliovalent incorporation of iron at titanium sites, with charge compensation by the creation of oxygen vacancies, is the mode with the lowest energy, although self-compensation may exhibit similar energies under some circumstances. The incorporation of iron also results in a distortion of the charge distribution around the oxygen vacancy and in the appearance of several deep impurity levels within the energy gap. The same effects were evident for all the incorporation mechanisms. The impurity levels agree well with the theory for charge traps in semiconductors in all cases. Finally, the results are compared with the scarce experimental data available. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
机译:在GGA + U近似中的DFT形式已被用来研究铁掺杂在钛酸钡的立方相中的作用。已经发现,在钛位置上铁的异价结合并通过产生氧空位来进行电荷补偿是具有最低能量的模式,尽管自补偿在某些情况下可能表现出相似的能量。铁的掺入还导致氧空位周围的电荷分布变形,并且在能隙内出现了几种深杂质水平。对于所有掺入机制,相同的效果是明显的。在所有情况下,杂质水平都与半导体中电荷陷阱的理论非常吻合。最后,将结果与可用的稀缺实验数据进行比较。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd和Techna Group S.r.l.版权所有。



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