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The association between scholarly impact and national institutes of health funding in ophthalmology


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Objective To examine whether there is an association between scholarly impact, as measured by the h-index, academic rank, and National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards in academic ophthalmology. Design Retrospective analysis of NIH RePORTER and Scopus databases. Participants Not applicable. Methods Five hundred seventy-three NIH awards to 391 primary investigators (PIs) in ophthalmology departments were examined. Grant recipients were organized by academic rank, obtained from online listings, and h-index, calculated using the Scopus database. Non-NIH-funded faculty from 20 randomly chosen academic ophthalmology departments also were organized by rank and h-index for comparison with their NIH-funded colleagues. Main Outcome Measures Scholarly impact, as measured by the h-index, and NIH funding. Results The h-index increased with successive academic rank among non-NIH-funded and NIH-funded faculty, as did NIH funding among the latter group. The NIH-funded faculty had higher scholarly impact, as measured by the h-index, than their non-NIH-funded PIs (h = 18.3 vs. 7.8; P < 0.0001), even when considering publications only in the prior 5 years; h-index increased with increasing NIH funding ranges. The h-indices of those holding an MD degree (21.4±1.6 standard error of mean) were not statistically higher than those of PhD holders (17.9±0.6) and those with both an MD and PhD degree (18.1±1.7; P = 0.14). Conclusions The h-index increases with increasing academic rank among NIH-funded and non-NIH-funded faculty in ophthalmology departments. This bibliometric is associated strongly with NIH funding because NIH-funded PIs had higher scholarly impact than their non-NIH-funded colleagues, and increasing impact was noted with higher funding. The h-index is an objective and easily calculable measure that may be valuable as an adjunct in assessing research productivity, a significant factor for academic promotion in academic ophthalmology.
机译:目的研究以h指数,学术等级和美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)在眼科学方面的奖项来衡量的学术影响之间是否存在关联。 NIH REPORTER和Scopus数据库的设计回顾性分析。参加者不适用。方法对391个眼科主要研究者(PI)的573个NIH进行了检查。补助金接受者按学术等级(从在线清单获得)和h-index(使用Scopus数据库计算)进行组织。还通过等级和h指数组织了来自20个随机选择的眼科学术部门的非NIH资助的教职员工,以与其NIH资助的同事进行比较。主要成果衡量标准:通过h指数和NIH资金衡量的学术影响力。结果非NIH资助和NIH资助的教师中,h指数随学历的增加而增加,后一组中的NIH资助也是如此。以h指数衡量,由NIH资助的教师比非NIH资助的PI具有更高的学术影响力(h = 18.3 vs. 7.8; P <0.0001),即使仅考虑前五年的出版物也是如此; h指数随NIH资助范围的增加而增加。拥有医学博士学位(21.4±1.6均值标准误)的人的h指数在统计学上不高于获得博士学位的人(17.9±0.6)以及具有医学和博士学位的人(18.1±1.7; P = 0.14) )。结论在眼科的NIH资助和非NIH资助的教职员工中,h指数随学术等级的提高而增加。该文献计量表与NIH资助密切相关,因为NIH资助的PI的学术影响要大于非NIH资助的同事,并且随着资金的增加,影响也越来越大。 h指数是一种客观且易于计算的指标,作为评估研究生产力的辅助手段可能是有价值的,这是促进学术眼科学界发展的重要因素。



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