首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Doppler assessment of the intervillous blood flow in normal and abnormal early pregnancy.

Doppler assessment of the intervillous blood flow in normal and abnormal early pregnancy.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare resistance index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) in the spiral and intervillous arteries, and peak systolic velocity of the continuous intervillous flow in normal and abnormal first-trimester pregnancy. METHODS: Transvaginal color and pulsed Doppler were used in a prospective analysis of 60 normal (controls) and 54 abnormal (30 missed abortions and 24 anembryonic) pregnancies (6-12 weeks' gestation). Repeated-measures analysis of variance was used for comparison between groups. RESULTS: A gradual decrease in spiral artery RI and PI was found in women with anembryonic pregnancies. No difference in spiral artery impedance was noted in women with normal pregnancies, but there was a progressive increase in spiral artery RI and PI in women with missed abortion. A significant increase in continuous intervillous blood flow velocity was noted from the 11th week onward in the normal pregnancy group (8.0 +/- 0.9 versus 12.2 +/- 1.4 cm/second). Intervillous arterial blood flow signals did not demonstrate any difference in RI and PI with advancing gestational duration. Significantly lower PI values were obtained from the intervillous arteries in women with anembryonic pregnancy (PI 0.54 +/- 0.04) than in controls (PI 0.80 +/- 0.04) and those with missed abortions (PI 0.75 +/- 0.04). However, there was no statistically significant difference in the intervillous RI between subgroups. CONCLUSION: The new generation of sensitive Doppler units can detect intervillous flow as a continuous progressive process during the first trimester of normal and abnormal pregnancy. There is a significant difference in intervillous artery vascular impedance between normal and anembryonic pregnancies.
机译:目的:比较正常和异常妊娠早期妊娠中螺旋和小室动脉的阻力指数(RI)和脉搏指数(PI),以及连续小室流动的峰值收缩速度。方法:采用阴道彩色和脉冲多普勒技术对60例正常(对照)和54例异常(30例流产漏诊和24例胎膜早破)(妊娠6-12周)妊娠进行前瞻性分析。重复测量方差分析用于组间比较。结果:在患有早产儿的女性中,螺旋动脉的RI和PI逐渐降低。正常妊娠妇女的螺旋动脉阻抗无差异,但流产失败妇女的螺旋动脉RI和PI逐渐升高。在正常妊娠组中,从第11周开始,持续的股间静脉血流速度显着增加(8.0 +/- 0.9对12.2 +/- 1.4 cm / s)。随着妊娠持续时间的延长,小室间动脉血流信号未显示RI和PI有任何差异。患有妊娠性流产的妇女(PI 0.54 +/- 0.04)从股间动脉获得的PI值显着低于对照组(PI 0.80 +/- 0.04)和流产遗漏的妇女(PI 0.75 +/- 0.04)。但是,亚组间的RI间无统计学差异。结论:在正常和异常妊娠的头三个月中,新一代的敏感多普勒装置可以检测到股间流作为连续的进行性过程。正常妊娠和快速妊娠之间的股间动脉血管阻抗存在显着差异。



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