首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Perinatal diagnostic evaluation of velamentous umbilical cord insertion: clinical, Doppler, and ultrasonic findings.

Perinatal diagnostic evaluation of velamentous umbilical cord insertion: clinical, Doppler, and ultrasonic findings.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between velamentous cord insertion and adverse pregnancy outcome in singleton pregnancies, and to assess the diagnostic usefulness of nonstress testing (NST) and Doppler ultrasound in this condition. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 12,750 consecutive singleton, chromosomally normal pregnancies from July 1989 through December 1993 at the University Hospital of Kuopio, Finland. Of these, 216 were complicated by velamentous umbilical cord insertion, whereas the remaining 12,534 were normal controls. Using multiple regression analysis, we evaluated the risks by noting adverse infant outcomes: low birth weight (LBW), small for gestational age (SGA), preterm delivery, fetal death, admission to a specific infant care unit, low Apgar scores, neonatal acidemia, and abnormal intrapartum fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns. At prenatal visits, NST and Doppler ultrasound examinations were carried out as a routine part of obstetric care. RESULTS: Even after we controlled for confounding factors, velamentous umbilical cord insertion was associated with higher risk of LBW (odds ratio [OR] 2.32), SGA (OR 1.54), preterm delivery (OR 2.12), low Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes (ORs 1.76 and 2.47, respectively), and abnormal intrapartum FHR pattern (OR 1.59). Only 5% of the patients with abnormal insertion showed pathologic NST results at prenatal visits. Ultrasonographic examination was carried out on 80 patients with velamentous umbilical cord insertion as a routine part of obstetric care, and in only one case was direct visualization of the abnormal insertion successful. After we excluded pregnancies with preeclampsia, abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry was found in none of the cases examined (n = 48). CONCLUSION: There were substantial differences in pregnancy outcome measures between the subjects with velamentous umbilical cord insertion and controls. Current antepartum methods of tracing uteroplacental problems are not effective in the prenatal detection of abnormal insertion. Therefore, in future studies, the use of other diagnostic tools, such as color Doppler imaging of cord insertion, should be evaluated in high-risk pregnancies followed-up because of fetal growth restriction.
机译:目的:评估单胎妊娠患者的软膜插入与不良妊娠结局之间的关系,并评估在这种情况下非压力测试(NST)和多普勒超声的诊断价值。方法:我们回顾性分析了1989年7月至1993年12月在芬兰库奥皮奥大学医院连续进行的12,750例单胎染色体正常妊娠。其中216例因丝状脐带插入而变得复杂,而其余的12,534例为正常对照。通过多元回归分析,我们通过指出不良的婴儿结局评估了风险:低出生体重(LBW),胎龄小(SGA),早产,胎儿死亡,进入特定的婴儿监护室,Apgar评分低,新生儿酸血症以及异常的胎儿内心率(FHR)模式。在产前检查中,作为产科护理的常规部分,进行了NST和多普勒超声检查。结果:即使在我们控制了混杂因素之后,长丝状脐带插入仍具有较高的LBW风险(优势比[OR] 2.32),SGA(OR 1.54),早产(OR 2.12),1和5分的Apgar评分低分钟(分别为1.76和2.47,OR)和异常的产前FHR模式(OR 1.59)。在产前检查中,只有5%插入异常的患者显示出病理性NST结果。作为产科护理的常规部分,对80例行纤维状脐带插入的患者进行了超声检查,只有一例成功观察到了异常插入。在排除先兆子痫孕妇后,在所有检查的病例中均未发现脐动脉多普勒测速仪异常(n = 48)。结论:长丝状脐带插入者与对照组的妊娠结局指标存在显着差异。当前的产前检查胎盘问题的方法在产前检测异常插入方面并不有效。因此,在未来的研究中,由于胎儿生长受限,在高危妊娠随访中应评估其他诊断工具的使用,例如脐带插入的彩色多普勒成像。



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