首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Ambulation of Hospitalized Gynecologic Surgical Patients A Randomized Controlled Trial

Ambulation of Hospitalized Gynecologic Surgical Patients A Randomized Controlled Trial


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate whether specific ambulation goals affect the adequacy or perceived barriers to ambulation in hospitalized surgical patients after major gynecologic surgery. METHODS: One hundred forty-six surgical inpatients were randomized to specific ambulation goals or routine care. We assessed the number of pedometer-recorded steps in the 24 hours preceding discharge as well as patient-identified barriers to ambulation. Groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: Of the 129 participants with outcome data, 12% were discharged without any pedometer-recorded steps. We did not detect an effect of specific ambulation goals by group (routine care: 87 compared with ambulation goals: 80, P=J). The three main barriers to ambulation from a patient perspective were indwelling catheters (38.5%), intravenous poles (28%), and pain (12.5%) The median number of postoperative steps was higher after minimally invasive surgery (143) compared with laparotomy (27) (P=.O35). CONCLUSION: Approximately 12% of gynecologic surgical patients do not walk while hospitalized despite formal encouragement to ambulate. Ambulation is easily quantified and may improve with attention to modifiable barriers, potentially improving postoperative recovery. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, www.clinicaltrials.gov, NCT 01254851.
机译:目的:评估特定的步行目标是否会影响大妇科手术后住院的手术患者的步行活动的充分性或可感知的障碍。方法:146名外科手术患者被随机分配至特定的步行目标或常规护理。我们评估了出院前24小时内计步器记录的步数,以及患者确定的行走障碍。使用Mann-Whitney U检验比较各组。结果:在有结果数据的129名参与者中,有12%出院时没有计步器记录的任何步骤。我们未按组检测到特定移动目标的效果(常规护理:87,而移动目标:80,P = J)。从患者的角度来看,移动的三个主要障碍是留置导管(38.5%),静脉内极点(28%)和疼痛(12.5%)。与开腹手术相比,微创手术后的中位数(143)更高。 27)(P = .O35)。结论:尽管正式鼓励走动,但约有12%的妇科外科手术患者在住院期间未行走。步行活动很容易量化,并且可以通过注意可调整的障碍来改善,可能会改善术后恢复。临床试验注册:ClinicalTrials.gov,www.clinicaltrials.gov,NCT 01254851。



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