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Impact of Complementary Therapies via Mobile Technologies on Icelandic Same Day Surgical Patients' Reports of Anxiety, Pain and Self-Efficacy in Healing: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Process




Complementary and Alternative Therapies (CAT) are increasingly being utilized in conjunction with conventional medicine. Health Information Technology (HIT) and CAT are being scrutinized for evidence based health outcomes. The aim of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) is to determine if the use of mobile technologies delivering CAT, specifically relaxation technique (RT), medical music intervention (MMI), nature landscape applications with (NLAM) and without music (NLA WM) compared with no intervention (control group) will assist in decreasing pre- and post-surgical patients' anxiety and pain levels while increasing post-operative healing self-efficacy levels.
机译:互补和替代疗法(猫)越来越多地与常规药物结合使用。卫生信息技术(命中)和猫正在审查以获取基于证据的健康结果。这种随机对照试验(RCT)的目的是确定使用移动技术,特别是放松技术(RT),医学音乐干预(MMI),自然景观应用与(南林)和没有音乐(NLA WM)与无干预(对照组)相比,将有助于降低手术前后患者的焦虑和疼痛水平,同时增加术后愈合自我效能度水平。



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