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Dose evaluation using multiple-aliquot quartz OSL: test of methods and a new protocol for improved accuracy and precision


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Multiple-aliquot quartz OSL dose-response curves often suffer from substantial variability in the luminescence output from identically treated aliquots (scatter) that leads to large uncertainties in the equivalent-dose estimates. In this study, normalisation and its bearing on the accuracy and precision of the equivalent-dose estimates is investigated. We conclude that the most commonly used procedure employing the natural OSL (natural normalisation), leads to both poor accuracy and poor precision in the equivalent-dose estimates as it is insensitive to possible dose-dependent and non-dose-dependent sensitivity changes during the pre-heat, and fundamental variability in the shapes of quartz OSL (blue-green or blue-light stimulated luminescence) decay forms. A new protocol using a combination of 'elevated temperature IR cleaning' (ETIR) and 'component-specific dose normalisation' (CSDN) has been developed. CSDN accounts for variability in the OSL decay forms and absorbs such sensitivity changes. A combination of ETIR and CSDN protocol increased palaeodose precision from +/-100% to +/-4% in quartz separates from the fluvially transported sands in the Thar desert. A comparison with palaeodose estimates from the single-aliquot-regeneration protocol (SAR) gave similar accuracy and precision, (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 35]
机译:多等分石英OSL剂量-反应曲线通常遭受相同处理的等分试样(散射)的发光输出的显着变化的影响,这导致等效剂量估算值具有很大的不确定性。在这项研究中,研究了归一化及其对等效剂量估计值的准确性和精确度的影响。我们得出结论,最常用的采用自然OSL(自然归一化)的方法会导致当量剂量估计值的准确性和准确性均很差,因为它不敏感于可能的剂量依赖性和非剂量依赖性敏感性变化。石英OSL(蓝绿色或蓝光激发的发光)衰变形式的预热和基本变化。已经开发出一种结合“高温红外清洗”(ETIR)和“特定组分剂量归一化”(CSDN)的新方案。 CSDN解释了OSL衰减形式的可变性并吸收了此类灵敏度变化。 ETIR和CSDN协议的结合,使塔尔沙漠中由河流运走的沙子分离出的石英分离物中的古藻糖精度从+/- 100%提高到了+/- 4%。与单等份再生协议(SAR)中的古藻糖估计值进行比较,可以得出相似的准确性和精密度。(C)2002 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:35]



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