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Stimulus-reward association and reversal learning in individuals with Asperger Syndrome


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In the present study, performance of a group of adults with Asperger Syndrome (AS) on two series of object reversal and extinction was compared with that of a group of adults with typical development. Participants were requested to learn a stimulus-reward association rule and monitor changes in reward value of stimuli in order to gain as many points as possible. In order to assess whether difficulties with stimulus-reward association learning and with reversal and/or extinction might be related to social and behavioural impairments, we performed correlation analyses between test measures and scores measuring the severity of clinical symptoms in the areas of repetitive behaviours and social interaction as assessed by the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) [Lord, C, Rutter, M., & Le Couteur, A. (1994). Autism diagnostic interview-revised: A recise version of a diagnostic interview for caregivers of individuals with possible pervasive developmental disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 24,659-685]. Individuals with AS showed difficulties in establishing rapid stimulus-reward associations, whereas no severe impairment was observed in reversal and extinction learning. In addition, the present findings show that these difficulties correlate with scores in social reciprocal interaction, suggesting that the diminished ability in the assignment of reinforcement value to incoming stimuli might be related to disturbances in social behaviour often reported in autism spectrum disorders.
机译:在本研究中,将一组患有阿斯伯格综合症(AS)的成年人在对象反转和灭绝两个系列上的表现与一组具有典型发育的成年人的表现进行了比较。要求参与者学习刺激-奖励关联规则,并监控刺激奖励价值的变化,以便获得尽可能多的积分。为了评估刺激-奖励联想学习和逆转和/或消亡的困难是否可能与社会和行为障碍有关,我们在测试措施和得分之间进行了相关分析,这些得分用于测量重复行为和自闭症诊断访谈修订版(ADI-R)评估的社会互动[Lord,C,Rutter,M.,&Le Couteur,A.(1994)。自闭症诊断访谈修订版:针对可能患有普遍性发育障碍的患者的照护者的诊断访谈的修订版。自闭症与发育障碍杂志,24,659-685]。患有AS的个体在建立快速的奖励与奖励关联方面显示出困难,而在逆向和灭绝学习中未观察到严重的损害。此外,目前的发现表明,这些困难与社交互惠互动中的得分相关,这表明在将增强值分配给传入刺激方面的能力下降可能与自闭症谱系障碍中经常报道的社交行为障碍有关。



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