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Herb feeding increases n-3 and n-6 fatty acids in cow milk.


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Most work dealing with the impact of species-rich herbage on milk fatty acid content has hitherto been carried out in alpine areas or semi-natural grasslands. The main objective of the present study was to examine the effect of herbs sown and intensively managed in a lowland sward on the concentration of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids and vitamins in cows' milk compared to clover grass and total mixed ration (TMR) feeding. Twelve cows were housed in tie-stall and randomly allocated to three diets fed ad libitum for 14 days: HERBS (mixture of fresh herbs); CLOVER (mixture of fresh white clover and ryegrass); or TMR (total mixed ration based on silage and concentrate). n-3 fatty acid (FA) content was similar between the three diets, while n-6 FA content was highest in the TMR diet. A twofold increase in n-3 FA concentration in milk was observed when feeding HERBS compared to CLOVER and TMR (0.8, 0.4 and 0.3 g/kg milk, respectively). n-6 FA concentration increased as well when feeding HERBS (1.4, 0.9 and 1.0 g/kg milk for HERBS, CLOVER and TMR, respectively). Transfer efficiency from feed to milk was doubled for n-3 FA when feeding HERBS and for transfer efficiency of n-6 FA from feed to milk an increase of 28% was observed for HERBS compared to CLOVER. Retinol content was highest in HERBS milk, while there was no difference in alpha-tocopherol and sz-carotene milk content between the three diets. The results thus support previous findings on the effect of herbs on the milk fatty acid profile, but it will require further research to understand the effect of herbs on n-3 and n-6 FA concentration in milk. In conclusion, milk content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), like n-3 and n-6 FA, was significantly increased when herbs constituted the major part of the herbage, despite lower or similar dietary content of n-3 and n-6 FA in herbs compared to clover grass- and TMR diets
机译:迄今为止,大多数有关物种丰富的牧草对牛奶脂肪酸含量影响的工作都是在高山地区或半天然草原上进行的。本研究的主要目的是检验与三叶草草和总混合日粮相比,在低地草地上播种和集中管理的草药对牛乳中n-3和n-6脂肪酸和维生素的浓度的影响( TMR)喂食。将十二头奶牛关在笼子里,随机分配给三种自由采食的饲料,共14天:HERBS(新鲜草药的混合物);三叶草(新鲜的白三叶草和黑麦草的混合物);或TMR(基于青贮饲料和精矿的总混合日粮)。三种饮食中n-3脂肪酸(FA)含量相似,而TMR饮食中n-6脂肪酸含量最高。与CLOVER和TMR相比,饲喂HERBS时,牛奶中n-3 FA浓度增加了两倍(分别为0.8、0.4和0.3 g / kg牛奶)。饲喂HERBS时,n-6 FA浓度也增加(HERBS,CLOVER和TMR分别为1.4、0.9和1.0 g / kg牛奶)。饲喂HERBS时,n-3 FA从饲料到牛奶的转移效率提高了一倍,与CLOVER相比,对于HERBS,n-6 FA从饲料到牛奶的转移效率提高了28%。三种饮食中,HERBS乳中的视黄醇含量最高,而α-生育酚和 sz -胡萝卜素乳含量没有差异。因此,这些结果支持了以前有关草药对牛奶脂肪酸谱影响的发现,但是需要进一步的研究以了解草药对牛奶中n-3和n-6 FA浓度的影响。总之,尽管n-3和n-6的饮食含量较低或相似,但当草药构成草本植物的主要部分时,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)的牛奶含量会显着增加,例如n-3和n-6 FA与三叶草和TMR饮食相比,草药中的FA



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