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PrP genotype and lamb birth weight in a scrapie-free environment: Is there an association?


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The National Scrapie Plan (NSP) for Great Britain includes selective breeding programmes. These aim to reduce the frequencies of the ovine prion protein (PrP) genotypes at high risk of developing clinical disease (principally those containing the VRQallele) within the national flock, and select for the low-risk ARR-containing genotypes. The aim of this work was to use available data from embryo transfer programmes in guaranteed scrapie-free environments to investigate whether there was a differencein lamb birth weight associated with the lamb's PrP genotype, which might affect survival. The first analysis utilised data from 355 Cheviot lambs born between 2001 and 2004. The analysis was then repeated using a larger data set of 737 Cheviot, Dorset and Suffolk lambs born between 1999 and 2003. The most important determinants of mean lamb birth weight were litter size, sex and recipient ewe breed, plus lamb breed in the three breed analysis. In both analyses the effects of all these variables are consistent and of the same order of magnitude. In the first analysis there was evidence for an apparent increase in mean lamb birth weight for the ARR-containing genotypes of 0.3 kg (95% C.I. 0.1-0.5 kg). Whereas, in the second data set there was evidence for a decrease in mean lamb birth weight for the VRQ-containing genotypes of - 0.6 kg (95% C.I. - 0.8 to -0.4 kg). This had been masked in the first analysis by the categorisation of these genotypes with the ARQ/ARQ genotype. Within these flocks, in a scrapie-free environment, neither finding provides support for concerns that selection for low risk ARR-containing genotypes would be detrimental to lamb birth weight, which is considered to be the most important determinant of lamb survival. Extension of this work into field flocks, where scrapie-status cannot be easily assured, will require the collection of sufficient data to adjust for known direct effects as well as any additional potential confounding effects.
机译:英国的国家刮rap计划(NSP)包括选择性育种计划。这些旨在减少全国人群中发生临床疾病的高风险(主要是含有VRQallele的那些)绵羊pr病毒蛋白(PrP)基因型的频率,并选择低风险的含ARR的基因型。这项工作的目的是在保证无瘙痒病的环境中使用来自胚胎移植计划的可用数据,以调查与羔羊的PrP基因型相关的羔羊出生体重是否存在差异,这可能会影响生存。第一次分析使用了2001年至2004年之间出生的355只Cheviot羔羊的数据。然后使用更大的1999年至2003年出生的737 Cheviot,Dorset和Suffolk羔羊的数据集进行了重复分析。平均羔羊出生体重的最重要决定因素是垫料。大小,性别和受者母羊的品种,再加上羔羊的三个品种的品种分析。在这两种分析中,所有这些变量的影响都是一致的,并且幅度相同。在第一个分析中,有证据表明,含ARR的基因型的平均羔羊出生体重增加了0.3 kg(95%C.I. 0.1-0.5 kg)。而在第二个数据集中,有证据表明,含VRQ的基因型的平均羔羊出生体重降低了-0.6千克(95%C.I.-0.8至-0.4千克)。在第一次分析中,通过将这些基因型与ARQ / ARQ基因型进行分类而掩盖了这一点。在这些羊群中,在没有瘙痒病的环境中,没有发现支持以下担忧:选择低风险的含ARR的基因型将不利于羔羊的出生体重,羔羊的出生体重被认为是羔羊存活的最重要决定因素。要将这项工作扩展到无法轻易确保瘙痒病状的田间鸡群,将需要收集足够的数据以适应已知的直接影响以及任何其他潜在的混杂影响。



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