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Farmers' welfare, food production and the environment: a model-based assessment of the effects of new technologies in the northern Philippines


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Policy objectives of attaining food self-sufficiency and improving the well-being of subsistence farmers while protecting the environment have stimulated the development of many improved agricultural production technologies. With a choice of technologies, farm household decisions are governed not only by productivity and profitability considerations but also by factors such as available resources and their quality, family consumption preferences and attitudes towards risks, and prevailing policies. It is therefore necessary to analyse the adoption of such technologies from a whole-farm perspective. In this paper, a farm household model is used to assess possible technology adoption behaviour of farmers in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines. Four alternative technologies were evaluated: hybrid rice production (HYR), balanced fertilization strategy (BFS), site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) and integrated pest management (IPM). Possible impacts of price policies and infrastructure improvements on technology adoption were assessed. The results show that all four alternative technologies considered are attractive to farmers, although simulations show differential adoption rates for poor, average and better-off households. IPM and HYR appear the most attractive amongst all technologies considered. in all technology simulations, relative profitability and risks, labour and capital requirements and availabilities are decisive factors in the adoption of alternative technologies. Adoption of alternative technologies would result in higher discretionary income, higher rice production and lower biocide use and nitrogen loss. Amongst policy simulations considered, availability of low-cost credit shows the largest improvements in farmer welfare for poor and average households, but its effect on simulated adoption of alternative technologies was variable. We argue that the methodology and results presented can contribute to ex ante assessments of policies targeted at stimulating technology adoption by farmers.
机译:实现粮食自给自足和改善自给农民的福祉,同时保护环境的政策目标刺激了许多改良农业生产技术的发展。通过选择技术,农户的决策不仅受生产率和盈利能力的考虑,而且还受诸如可用资源及其质量,家庭消费偏好和对风险的态度以及现行政策等因素的支配。因此,有必要从整个农场的角度分析这种技术的采用。本文使用农户模型来评估菲律宾伊洛戈斯省农民的技术采用行为。评估了四种替代技术:杂交水稻生产(HYR),平衡施肥策略(BFS),特定地点的营养管理(SSNM)和病虫害综合治理(IPM)。评估了价格政策和基础设施改进对技术采用的可能影响。结果显示,尽管模拟显示了贫困,中等和富裕家庭的采用率不同,但所考虑的所有四种替代技术均对农民具有吸引力。 IPM和HYR在所有考虑的技术中似乎最有吸引力。在所有技术模拟中,相对的获利能力和风险,劳动力和资金需求以及可获得性是采用替代技术的决定性因素。采用替代技术将导致可支配收入增加,大米产量增加,杀生物剂使用量减少和氮损失减少。在所考虑的政策模拟中,低成本信贷的可获得性显示了贫困和普通家庭的农民福利得到最大的改善,但对模拟采用替代技术的影响却是可变的。我们认为,提出的方法和结果可有助于事前评估旨在刺激农民采用技术的政策。



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