首页> 外文期刊>Le Lait >Diversity of some functional characteristics of melted FrenchEmmental-cheese. [French]

Diversity of some functional characteristics of melted FrenchEmmental-cheese. [French]

机译:融化的法国干酪奶酪一些功能特征的多样性。 [法文]

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Four methods were developed or revised to determine the functionality of melted Emmental-cheese (Swiss-cheese). Flowability was measured using a modified Schreiber test. Stretchability was assessed by a new method involving vertical traction. A butyrometric method was applied to quantify oiling-off. Browning of cheese-gratin was measured objectively with a colour meter (L*, a*, b*). The repeatability and the power of these tests were satisfactory. The functionality of 48 french commercial Emmental-cheeses was determined over one year. Great variations were registered. The flowability index (melted cheese area divided by the initial area) ranged from 1.0 to 2.7. The oiling-off ranged from 7 to 17 g fat per 100 g of cheese (30 to 60 g.100 g(-1) fat). The length of the strings of melted cheese (stretchability) ranged from 80 to 950 mm. Ranges of 13 a.u. L*, 9 a.u.a* and 9 a.u.b* were observed for colour measurement. Meltability, stretchability, oiling-off and browning were strongly correlated. Finally, Principal Component Analysis showed the great diversity of the functionality of melted French Emmental-cheese.
机译:开发或修订了四种方法来确定熔化的埃门塔尔奶酪(瑞士奶酪)的功能。使用改进的Schreiber测试测量流动性。通过涉及垂直牵引的新方法评估可拉伸性。应用了比重法来定量注油。用比色计(L *,a *,b *)客观地测量干酪奶油的褐变。这些测试的重复性和功效令人满意。一年内确定了48种法国商业Emmental奶酪的功能。出现了很大的变化。流动性指数(奶酪融化面积除以初始面积)在1.0到2.7之间。每100克奶酪上的油脂量为7到17克脂肪(30到60克100克(-1)脂肪)。融化的奶酪串的长度(可拉伸性)为80至950毫米。 13 a.u.的范围观察到L *,9a.a *和9a.b *用于颜色测量。熔融性,拉伸性,上油和褐变密切相关。最后,主成分分析表明,融化的法国埃门塔尔奶酪的功能差异很大。



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