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The effect of a high cholesterol diet on lipids and oxidative stress in plasma, liver and aorta of rabbits and rats


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The effect of a high cholesterol (HQ diet on lipid levels and oxidative stress in the plasma, liver, and aorta was investigated in rabbits and rats. Rabbits were fed a standard diet containing 1% (w/w) pure cholesterol for 2 months. Rats were fed a diet consisting of the standard diet supplemented with 2% (w/w) pure cholesterol and 0.5% (w/w) cholic acid for 4 months. The HC diet caused significant increases in cholesterol and lipid peroxide levels in plasma and aorta in rabbits. However, plasma cholesterol levels increased only slightly in rats on a HC diet, and there was no effect on aortic cholesterol and lipid peroxide levels. However, the HC diet altered lipid levels and lipid peroxidation as well as glutathione levels and antioxidant enzyme activities in the livers of rabbits and rats in a similar way. Thus, oxidative changes in the plasma and aorta may play an additive role in the formation of atheroma plaques in rabbits after the HC diet
机译:研究了高胆固醇(HQ饮食)对兔子和大鼠血浆,肝脏和主动脉中脂质水平和氧化应激的影响,给兔子喂食含1%(w / w)纯胆固醇的标准饮食2个月。给大鼠喂食由标准饮食加2%(w / w)的纯胆固醇和0.5%(w / w)胆酸组成的饮食4个月,HC饮食导致血浆和血液中胆固醇和脂质过氧化物的水平显着增加。 HC饮食的大鼠血浆胆固醇水平仅略有增加,并且对主动脉胆固醇和脂质过氧化物的水平没有影响,但是HC饮食改变了脂质水平和脂质过氧化以及谷胱甘肽和抗氧化剂的水平兔和大鼠肝脏中的酶活性以类似的方式发生,因此,HC饮食后,血浆和主动脉的氧化变化可能对家兔动脉粥样斑块的形成起附加作用



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