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'The Child's World': a creative and visual trigger to stimulate student enquiry in a problem based learning module.


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Despite the abundance of literature on problem based learning (PBL) [Murray, I., Savin-Baden, M., 2000. Staff development in problem-based learning. Teaching in Higher Education 5 (1), 107-126; Johnson, A.K., Tinning, R.S., 2001. Meeting the challenge of problem-based learning: developing the facilitators. Nurse Education Today 21 (3), 161-169; McCourt, C., Thomas, G., 2001. Evaluation of a problem based curriculum in midwifery. Midwifery 17 (4), 323-331; Cooke, M., Moyle, K., 2002. Students' evaluation of problem-based learning. Nurse Education Today 22, 330-339; Haith-Cooper, M., 2003a. An exploration of tutors' experiences of facilitating problem-based learning. Part 1--an educational research methodology combining innovation and philosophical tradition. Nurse Education Today 23, 58-64; Haith-Cooper, M., 2003b. An exploration of tutor' experiences of facilitating problem-based learning. Part 2--implications for the facilitation of problem based learning. Nurse Education Today 23, 65-75; Rowan, C.J.,Mc Court, C., Beake, S., 2007. Problem based learning in midwifery--The teacher's perspective. Nurse Education Today 27, 131-138; Rowan, C.J., Mc Court, C., Beake, S., 2008. Problem based learning in midwifery--The students' perspective. Nurse Education Today 28, 93-99] few studies focus on describing "triggers", the process involved in their development and their evaluation from students' perspective. It is clearly documented that well designed, open ended, real life and challenging "triggers" are key to the success of PBL implementation [Roberts, D., Ousey, K., 2004. Problem based learning: developing the triggers. Experiences from a first wave site. Nurse Education in Practice 4, 154-158, Gibson, I., 2005. Designing projects for learning. In: Barrett, T., Mac Labhrainn, I., Fallon, H., (Eds.), Handbook of Enquiry and Problem-based Learning: Irish Case Studies and International Perspectives. AISHE & CELT: NUI Galway. , Barrett, T., 2005. Understanding problem-based learning. In: Barrett, T. Mac Labhrainn, I., Fallon, H., (Eds.), Handbook of Enquiry and Problem-based Learning: Irish Case Studies and International Perspectives. AISHE & CELT, NUI Galway. ]. This paper outlines the planning, implementation and evaluation of a "trigger" developed for a first year undergraduate nursing module. To meet specific module learning outcomes and to stimulate student inquiry through the learning strategy of PBL, a bright and colourful collage, was constructed. This tool was then evaluated using focus group interviews. Students' perspectives centered round a core theme, 'finding a focus and taking control'. Four categories were identified illustrating students progress from 'initial confusion' to engaging with the 'trigger diversity' before confidently 'exploring their own line of inquiry', thus leading to the 'stimulation of their learning'. Consistent with previous research, we also suggest it is customary for students to experience an initial period of ambiguity as they switch from teacher led to student centered learning [Biley, F., 1999. Creating tension: under graduate students nurses' response to a problem-based learning curriculum. Nurse Education Today 19 (7), 586-589]. One challenge in developing "triggers" is that the process is primarily controlled by lecturers. We suggest that a possible way forward would be to also engage students in the development of "triggers".
机译:尽管有关基于问题的学习(PBL)的文献很多[Murray,I.,Savin-Baden,M.,2000。基于问题的学习中的员工发展。高等教育教学5(1),107-126; Johnson,A.K.,Tinning,R.S.,2001年。迎接基于问题的学习的挑战:培养辅导员。今日护士教育21(3),161-169; McCourt,C.,Thomas,G.,2001。对基于问题的助产士课程的评估。助产17(4),323-331; Cooke,M.,Moyle,K.,2002年。学生对基于问题的学习的评估。今日护士教育22,330-339; Haith-Cooper,M.,2003a。探索导师促进基于问题的学习的经验。第一部分-一种结合了创新和哲学传统的教育研究方法论。今日护士教育23,58-64; Haith-Cooper,M.,2003b。探索导师促进基于问题的学习的经验。第2部分-促进基于问题的学习的含义。今日护士教育23,65-75; Rowan,C.J.,Mc Court,C.,Beake,S.,2007年。助产学中基于问题的学习-教师的观点。今日护士教育27,131-138; Rowan,C.J.,Mc Court,C.,Beake,S.,2008。助产学中基于问题的学习-学生的观点。当今的护士教育,今天28:93-99]很少有研究着重描述“触发器”,其发展过程以及从学生的角度对其进行评估。明确记录的是,精心设计,开放式,现实生活和具有挑战性的“触发因素”是成功实施PBL的关键[Roberts,D.,Ousey,K.,2004。基于问题的学习:开发触发器。来自第一波站点的经验。护士教育实践4,第154-158页,吉布森,I.,2005年。设计学习项目。在:Barrett,T.,Mac Labhrainn,I.,Fallon,H。,(编辑),《探究和基于问题的学习手册:爱尔兰案例研究和国际观点》。艾希与CELT:NUI戈尔韦。 ,Barrett,T.,2005年。了解基于问题的学习。在:Barrett,T. Mac Labhrainn,I.,Fallon,H。,(编),《探究和基于问题的学习手册:爱尔兰案例研究和国际观点》。艾伊和塞特(NISH Galway)。 ]。本文概述了为本科一年级护理模块开发的“触发器”的计划,实施和评估。为了满足特定模块的学习成果并通过PBL的学习策略激发学生的探究,构建了一个明亮而丰富多彩的拼贴画。然后使用焦点小组访谈对该工具进行了评估。学生的观点围绕一个核心主题,即“找到重点并控制住权”。确定了四个类别,说明学生在自信地“探索自己的探究路线”之前从“最初的困惑”发展为“触发多样性”,从而导致了“学习的刺激”。与以前的研究一致,我们还建议学生从教师转到以学生为中心的学习过程中通常会经历歧义的初始阶段[Biley,F.,1999。造成压力:在研究生的护理下护士对问题的反应基础的学习课程。今日护士教育19(7),586-589]。开发“触发器”的一个挑战是该过程主要由讲师控制。我们建议一种可能的前进方式是也让学生参与“触发器”的发展。



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