首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews >Brain oscillations and connectivity in autism spectrum disorders (ASD): new approaches to methodology, measurement and modelling

Brain oscillations and connectivity in autism spectrum disorders (ASD): new approaches to methodology, measurement and modelling


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Although atypical social behaviour remains a key characterisation of ASD, the presence of sensory and perceptual abnormalities has been given a more central role in recent classification changes. An understanding of the origins of such aberrations could thus prove a fruitful focus for ASD research. Early neurocognitive models of ASD suggested that the study of high frequency activity in the brain as a measure of cortical connectivity might provide the key to understanding the neural correlates of sensory and perceptual deviations in ASD. As our review shows, the findings from subsequent research have been inconsistent, with a lack of agreement about the nature of any high frequency disturbances in ASD brains. Based on the application of new techniques using more sophisticated measures of brain synchronisation, direction of information flow, and invoking the coupling between high and low frequency bands, we propose a framework which could reconcile apparently conflicting findings in this area and would be consistent both with emerging neurocognitive models of autism and with the heterogeneity of the condition. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:尽管非典型的社会行为仍然是ASD的关键特征,但在最近的分类变化中,感觉和知觉异常的存在已被赋予了更重要的作用。因此,对这种像差的起源的理解可以证明是ASD研究的一个丰硕成果。早期的ASD神经认知模型表明,研究大脑高频活动作为皮层连通性的量度,可能为理解ASD感觉和知觉偏差的神经相关性提供关键。正如我们的评论所显示的那样,后续研究的结果不一致,并且对ASD大脑中任何高频障碍的性质缺乏共识。基于新技术的应用,该技术使用了更复杂的大脑同步措施,信息流方向以及调用高频段和低频段之间的耦合,我们提出了一个框架,该框架可以调和该领域中明显矛盾的发现,并且与新兴的自闭症的神经认知模型以及病情的异质性。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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