首页> 外文期刊>Neuropharmacology >The H3 antagonist, ciproxifan, alleviates the memory impairment but enhances the motor effects of MK-801 (dizocilpine) in rats.

The H3 antagonist, ciproxifan, alleviates the memory impairment but enhances the motor effects of MK-801 (dizocilpine) in rats.


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Antagonists of H(3)-type histamine receptors exhibit cognitive-enhancing properties in various memory paradigms as well as evidence of antipsychotic activity in normal animals. The present study determined if a prototypical H(3) antagonist, ciproxifan, could reverse the behavioral effects of MK-801, a drug used in animals to mimic the hypoglutamatergic state suspected to exist in schizophrenia. Four behaviors were chosen for study, locomotor activity, ataxia, prepulse inhibition (PPI), and delayed spatial alternation, since their modification by dizocilpine (MK-801) has been well characterized. Adult male Long-Evans rats were tested after receiving a subcutaneous injection of ciproxifan or vehicle followed 20 min later by a subcutaneous injection of MK-801 or vehicle. Three doses of MK-801 (0.05, 0.1, & 0.3 mg/kg) increased locomotor activity. Each dose of ciproxifan (1.0 & 3.0 mg/kg) enhanced the effect of the moderate dose of MK-801, but suppressed the effect of the high dose. Ciproxifan (3.0 mg/kg) enhanced the effects of MK-801 (0.1 & 0.3 mg/kg) on fine movements and ataxia. Deficits in PPI were observed after treatment with MK-801 (0.05 & 0.1 mg/kg), but ciproxifan did not alter these effects. Delayed spatial alternation was significantly impaired by MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg) at a longer delay, and ciproxifan (3.0 mg/kg) alleviated this impairment. These results indicate that some H(3) antagonists can alleviate the impact of NMDA receptor hypofunction on some forms of memory, but may exacerbate its effect on other behaviors.
机译:H(3)型组胺受体拮抗剂在各种记忆范例中表现出认知增强特性,并且在正常动物中具有抗精神病活性的证据。本研究确定了原型H(3)拮抗剂ciproxifan是否可以逆转MK-801的行为影响,MK-801是一种用于动物的药物,可模仿精神分裂症中怀疑存在的低谷氨酸能状态。选择了四种行为进行研究,运动活性,共济失调,脉冲前抑制(PPI)和延迟的空间交替,因为已经很好地表征了它们的地佐西平(MK-801)修饰作用。成年雄性Long-Evans大鼠在接受皮下注射ciproxifan或溶媒后,经过20分钟后皮下注射MK-801或溶媒,进行了测试。三剂MK-801(0.05、0.1和0.3 mg / kg)提高了运动活性。每次剂量的ciproxifan(1.0和3.0 mg / kg)增强了中等剂量的MK-801的作用,但抑制了高剂量的作用。环丙沙星(3.0 mg / kg)增强了MK-801(0.1和0.3 mg / kg)对运动和共济失调的作用。用MK-801(0.05和0.1 mg / kg)治疗后,观察到PPI缺乏,但是ciproxifan并没有改变这些作用。 MK-801(0.1 mg / kg)在更长的延迟时间内显着削弱了延迟的空间交替,而ciproxifan(3.0 mg / kg)减轻了这种损害。这些结果表明,某些H(3)拮抗剂可以减轻NMDA受体功能低下对某种形式的记忆的影响,但可能加剧其对其他行为的影响。



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