首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Extended alloparental care in the almost solitary bee Exoneurellaeremophila (Hymenoptera : Apidae)

Extended alloparental care in the almost solitary bee Exoneurellaeremophila (Hymenoptera : Apidae)


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The possibility of extending brood care via the overlapping presence of relatively short lived adults could generate advantages that may have been among the selective forces at the origin of eusociality. In this paper we provide evidence for extended brood care through sib-rearing in the arid-zone allodapine bee, Exoneurella eremophila. Solitary females of the overwintered generation generally die before all their offspring have become independent. In a relatively high proportion of nests, a newly eclosed female invests in her siblings while producing her own offspring in the maternal nest. The sex ratio of the first offspring produced by the overwintered female is highly female biased, but the overall sex ratio of the brood is unbiased. This finding supports the prediction of Bull's 'insurance by protogyny' model of a female bias in the first-produced offspring as a strategy by the mother to ensure extended brood care.
机译:通过相对短寿的成年人的重叠存在来扩大育雏的可能性,可能会产生一些好处,而这些好处可能是在社会交往起源时的选择性力量中。在本文中,我们提供了通过在干旱地区的阿洛达平蜂(Exoneurella eremophila)中通过同胞饲养来扩大育雏的证据。越冬一代的独居雌性通常在其所有后代变得独立之前死亡。在相对较高的巢中,新近封闭的雌性向其兄弟姐妹投资,同时在母巢中生产自己的后代。越冬雌性产生的第一代后代的性别比高度偏向女性,但育雏的总体性别比没有偏见。这一发现支持了对公牛“先天投保”模型的预测,即先产后代中存在女性偏见,这是母亲为确保延长育雏期而采取的策略。



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