首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions >Identification and Characterization of 2 '-Deoxyuridine from the Supernatant of Conidial Suspensions of Rice Blast Fungus as an Infection-Promoting Factor in Rice Plants

Identification and Characterization of 2 '-Deoxyuridine from the Supernatant of Conidial Suspensions of Rice Blast Fungus as an Infection-Promoting Factor in Rice Plants


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We previously detected infection-promoting activity in the supernatant of the conidial suspension (SCS) of the rice blast fungus. In the present study, a molecule carrying the activity was purified and identified as 2'-deoxyuridine (dU). The infection-promoting activity of dU was strictly dependent on its chemical structure and displayed characteristics consistent with those of the SCS. Notably, the activity of dU was exclusively detected during interactions between rice and virulent isolates of the fungus, the number of susceptible lesions in leaf blades was increased by and nonhost resistance in rice plants was not affected by treatment with dU. In addition, the expression of pathogensis-related genes, accumulation of H2O2, and production of phytoalexins in rice in response to inoculation with virulent fungal isolates was not suppressed by dU. The infection-promoting activity of dU was not accompanied by elevated levels of endogenous abscissic acid, which is known to modify plant-pathogen interactions, and was not detected in interactions between oat plants and a virulent oat blast fungus isolate. Taken together, these results demonstrate that dU is a novel infection-promoting factor that acts specifically during compatible interactions between rice plants and rice blast fungus in a mode distinct from that of toxins and suppressors.
机译:我们以前在稻瘟病菌的分生孢子悬浮液(SCS)的上清液中检测到促进感染的活性。在本研究中,具有该活性的分子被纯化并鉴定为2'-脱氧尿苷(dU)。 dU的促进感染活性严格取决于其化学结构,并显示出与SCS一致的特征。值得注意的是,dU的活性仅在水稻和真菌的强毒分离物之间的相互作用中检测到,叶片的易感病害数量因dU处理而增加,水稻植株的非寄主抗性不受其影响。此外,dU并未抑制稻瘟病相关基因的表达,H2O2的积累以及稻瘟毒素在水稻中对有毒真菌分离物的接种反应。 dU的促进感染活性并未伴随着内源性脱落酸水平的升高,而内源性脱落酸的水平已知能改变植物与病原体的相互作用,并且在燕麦植物与有毒的燕麦胚芽真菌分离物之间的相互作用中未检测到。综上所述,这些结果表明,dU是一种新型的感染促进因子,其以不同于毒素和抑制剂的方式特异性地在水稻植物与稻瘟病菌之间的相容性相互作用中起作用。



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