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Overweight among students in grades K-12--Arkansas, 2003-04 and 2004-05 school years.


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Prevalence of overweight among children nearly doubled from 1976-1980 to 1999-2002 in the United States. During 1999-2002, approximately 65% of adults aged > or =20 years were overweight or obese, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Among persons aged 6-19 years during the same period, 31% were overweight or at risk for overweight. In 2003, the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) survey indicated that 27% of high school students were overweight or at risk for overweight. Among adolescents with a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 95th percentile, approximately 50% will become obese adults, and 70% will become obese or overweight adults. Although NHANES and YRBS provide population-based, cross-sectional state and national samples, no studies reflect a national or statewide longitudinal cohort assessment of childhood and adolescent obesity. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Institute of Medicine recommend annual assessments of BMI as a strategy for preventing and combating childhood obesity. In 2003, Arkansas implemented a multifaceted statewide initiative to reduce and prevent overweight among children. A key aspect of this initiative (Act 1220) is the mandated annual statewide BMI assessments of all Arkansas public school students with confidential reporting of results to parents. This report describes the results of this large-scale population screening, which indicated that, during the 2003--04 and 2004--05 school years, 38% of Arkansas students were overweight or at risk for overweight. This finding suggests a more severe problem than that reported for other states. Because rates of childhood and adolescent obesity in certain areas might be higher than anticipated, health policy decisions that address health outcomes and cost of care should be based on state-specific, population-based data.
机译:在美国,儿童超重的患病率从1976-1980年到1999-2002年几乎翻了一番。根据美国国家健康和营养调查(NHANES),在1999-2002年间,年龄≥20岁的成年人中约有65%超重或肥胖。在同一时期,年龄在6-19岁之间的人中,有31%超重或有超重危险。 2003年,青少年风险行为监测(YRBS)调查显示,有27%的高中学生超重或有超重危险。在体重指数(BMI)等于或高于第95个百分点的青少年中,大约50%将成为肥胖成年人,而70%将成为肥胖或超重成年人。尽管NHANES和YRBS提供了基于人群的横断面州和国家样本,但尚无研究反映出全国或州范围内对儿童和青少年肥胖的纵向队列评估。美国儿科学会(AAP)和医学研究所建议对BMI进行年度评估,以此作为预防和对抗儿童肥胖的策略。 2003年,阿肯色州在全州范围内实施了一项多方面的倡议,以减少和防止儿童超重。该举措(第1220号法案)的一个关键方面是对所有阿肯色州公立学校学生进行的年度全州BMI强制性评估,并向家长秘密报告结果。该报告描述了这项大规模人群筛查的结果,该结果表明,在2003--04年和2004--05学年期间,阿肯色州38%的学生超重或有超重危险。这一发现提出了比其他州报告的问题更为严重的问题。由于某些地区的儿童和青少年肥胖率可能比预期的高,因此处理健康结果和医疗费用的健康政策决策应基于特定州,基于人群的数据。



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