首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Conservation phylogenetics of helodermatid lizards using multiple molecular markers and a supertree approach

Conservation phylogenetics of helodermatid lizards using multiple molecular markers and a supertree approach


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We analyzed both mitochondrial (mt-) and nuclear (n) DNAs in a conservation phylogenetic framework to examine deep and shallow histories of the Beaded Lizard (Heloderma horridum) and Gila Monster (H. suspectum) throughout their geographic ranges in North and Central America. Both mtDNA and intron markers clearly partitioned each species. One intron and mtDNA further subdivided H. horridum into its four recognized subspecies (H. n. alvarezi, charlesbogerti, exasperatum, and horridum). However, the two subspecies of H. suspectum (H. s. suspectum and H. s. cinctum) were undefined. A supertree approach sustained these relationships. Overall, the Helodermatidae is reaffirmed as an ancient and conserved group. Its most recent common ancestor (MRCA) was Lower Eocene [35.4 million years ago (mya)], with a ~25 my period of stasis before the MRCA of H. horridum diversified in Lower Miocene. Another ~5 my passed before H. h. exasperatum and H. h. horridum diverged, followed by ~1.5 my before H. h. alvarezi and H. h. charlesbogerti separated. Heloderma suspectum reflects an even longer period of stasis (~30 my) before diversifying from its MRCA. Both H. suspectum (México) and H. h. alvarezi also revealed evidence of historic range expansion following a recent bottleneck. Our conservation phylogenetic approach emphasizes the origin and diversification of this group, yields information on the manner by which past environmental variance may have impacted its populations and, in turn, allows us to disentangle historic from contemporary impacts that might threaten its long-term persistence. The value of helodermatid conservation resides in natural services and medicinal products, particularly venom constituents, and these are only now being realized.
机译:我们在保守的系统发育框架中分析了线粒体(mt-)和核(n)DNA,以检查在北美洲和中美洲的整个地理范围内的串珠蜥蜴(Heloderma horridum)和Gila Monster(H.可疑)的深浅历史。 mtDNA和内含子标记都清楚地划分了每个物种。一个内含子和mtDNA进一步将H. horridum细分为四个公认的亚种(H. n。alvarezi,charlesbogerti,exasperatum和horridum)。但是,尚不确定疑似血吸虫的两个亚种(疑似血吸虫和辛辛那氏菌)。超级树方法维持了这些关系。总体而言,Helodermatidae被确认为一个古老且受保护的群体。它的最新共同祖先是下始新世[3540万年前(mya)],在H. horridum的MRCA在下中新世开始多样化之前,其停滞期约为25年。在H. h之前,又有5个人经过了我。 exasperatum和H. horridum发散了,在H. h之前是〜1.5 my。阿尔瓦雷斯和H.查尔斯博格蒂分开了。疑似嗜热皮病反映出更长的停滞期(约30 my),然后才从MRCA多样化。疑似H.(墨西哥)和H. h。阿尔瓦雷兹(Alvarezi)还透露了最近瓶颈后历史范围扩大的证据。我们的保护系统进化方法强调了这一群体的起源和多样化,提供了有关过去环境变化可能影响其种群的方式的信息,进而使我们能够将历史与当代影响区分开来,后者可能威胁到其长期持久性。保皮的价值在于自然服务和医药产品,尤其是毒液成分,这些才刚刚被意识到。



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