首页> 外文期刊>Motivation and emotion >The benefits of autonomy support for adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral problems

The benefits of autonomy support for adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral problems


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The benefits of autonomy support in the domain of education have been well established within the general population, but have yet to be demonstrated within clinical populations. The present study investigated the benefits of an autonomy-supportive interpersonal style on teenage girls' internalization of a tedious clinical workshop and their subjective experience during this task. Participants were female teenagers placed in a social rehabilitation center for their severe emotional and behavioral problems (n = 29). An experimental design allowed comparing the impact of learning a tedious, but important workshop with or without autonomy support on internalization and experiential outcomes. Results demonstrate that autonomy support leads to higher perceived task's value, task liking as well as less negative affect compared to a condition without autonomy-support. Participants in the autonomy-supportive condition also perceived the instructor as more competent. By uncovering benefits of autonomy support to a clinical population of adolescents, the present study supports self-determination theory's tenet that the benefits of autonomy support are universal.
机译:在教育领域,自主支持的好处已经在普通人群中确立,但尚未在临床人群中得到证明。本研究调查了自主支持的人际关系风格对十几岁的女孩进行繁琐的临床工作的内在化及其在此任务中的主观经验的好处。参加者是因严重的情绪和行为问题而被安置在社会康复中心的女少年(n = 29)。通过实验设计,可以比较学习带有或不带有自主支持的乏味但重要的研讨会对内部化和体验结果的影响。结果表明,与没有自主支持的情况相比,自主支持导致更高的感知任务价值,任务喜好以及负面影响较小。自主支持条件下的参与者也认为教练更有能力。通过揭示对临床青少年群体的自主支持的好处,本研究支持了自决理论的宗旨,即自主支持的好处是普遍的。



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