首页> 外文期刊>Measurement Science & Technology >An optical vernier technique for in situ measurement of the length of long Fabry-Perot cavities

An optical vernier technique for in situ measurement of the length of long Fabry-Perot cavities


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We propose a method for in situ measurement of the length of kilometre-sized Fabry-Perot cavities in laser gravitational wave detectors. The method is based on the vernier, which occurs naturally when the laser beam incident on the cavity has asideband. By changing the length of the cavity over several wavelengths we obtain a set of carrier resonances alternating with sideband resonances. From the measurement of the separation between the carrier and a sideband resonance we determine the length of the cavity. We apply the technique to the measurement of the length of a Fabry-Perot cavity in the Caltech 40m interferometer and discuss the accuracy of the technique.
机译:我们提出了一种在激光重力波探测器中原地测量千米大小的法布里-珀罗空腔长度的方法。该方法基于游标,当入射在空腔上的激光束具有边带时,自然会发生游标。通过在几个波长上改变腔的长度,我们获得了一组与边带共振交替的载流子共振。通过测量载体和边带共振之间的距离,我们可以确定空腔的长度。我们将该技术应用于Caltech 40m干涉仪中Fabry-Perot腔长度的测量,并讨论了该技术的准确性。



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