首页> 外文期刊>Molecular and Cellular Probes: The Location, Diagnosis and Monitoring of Disease by Specific Molecules and Cell Lines >Citrus huanglongbing in Sao Paulo State, Brazil: PCR detection of the 'Candidatus' Liberibacter species associated with the disease.

Citrus huanglongbing in Sao Paulo State, Brazil: PCR detection of the 'Candidatus' Liberibacter species associated with the disease.


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Symptoms of huanglongbing (HLB), one of the most serious diseases of citrus in Asia and Africa, have been noticed in March 2004 in the Araraquara region of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. HLB has not been reported previously from America. The causal HLB bacteria, Candidatus Liberibacter africanus in Africa and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in Asia, can be detected in symptomatic citrus leaves by PCR amplification of their 16S rDNA with previously described primers. When this technique was applied to 43 symptomatic leaf samples from the Araraquara region, all PCR reactions were negative. This suggested that a new pathogen, not detected by the above primers, could be involved in HLB in the State of Sao Paulo. Indeed, by using universal primers for amplification of bacterial 16S rDNA, a new liberibacter species, Candidatus Liberibacter americanus, has recently been identified. Specific primers for PCR amplification of the 16S rDNA of Ca. L. americanus have been selected. Using these primers, the new liberibacter could be detected in 214 symptomatic leaf samples tested. The leaves of two additional samples were infected with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, and two further samples contained both Ca. L. americanus and Ca. L. asiaticus. The samples came from 47 farms in 35 municipalities. The psyllid vector of Ca. L. asiaticus, Diaphorina citri, is established in South, Central, and North America (Florida and Texas). Ca. L. americanus could be detected by PCR in several batches of D. citri psyllids collected on symptomatic sweet orange trees infected with Ca. L. americanus, strongly suggesting that D. citri is the vector of Ca. L. americanus. The results reported here confirm the presence of HLB in the State of Sao Paulo. Ca. L. americanus is the most widely distributed pathogen.
机译:黄龙病是亚洲和非洲最严重的柑橘病之一,其症状已于2004年3月在巴西圣保罗州Araraquara地区发现。以前尚未从美国报告HLB。通过用先前描述的引物对16C rDNA进行PCR扩增,可以在有症状的柑橘叶片中检测到病因性HLB细菌(非洲的非洲假丝酵母和亚洲的亚洲假丝酵母)。当将此技术应用于Araraquara地区的43个有症状叶子样本时,所有PCR反应均为阴性。这表明,上述引物未检测到的新病原体可能与圣保罗州的HLB有关。实际上,通过使用通用引物扩增细菌16S rDNA,最近已鉴定出一种新的liberibacter菌,美洲假丝酵母。 Ca的16S rDNA PCR扩增的特异性引物。已选择美洲L.。使用这些引物,可以在214个有症状的叶片样品中检测到新的liberibacter。另外两个样品的叶子感染了亚洲假丝酵母,另外两个样品都含有钙。 L. americanus和Ca. L.asiaticus。样本来自35个城市的47个农场。 Ca的木虱载体。 L. asiaticus,Cia Diaphorina citri,在南美,中美洲和北美洲(佛罗里达和德克萨斯州)建立。钙聚合酶链反应可以在有症状的甜橙树上感染了钙的几个批次的柠檬果皮中进行PCR检测。 L. americanus,强烈暗示D. citri是Ca的载体。美洲乳杆菌。此处报告的结果证实了圣保罗州HLB的存在。钙美洲乳杆菌是分布最广的病原体。


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