首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Surgical Oncology: The Journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology >Critical assessment of preoperative and operative risk factors for complications after iterative peritonectomy procedures

Critical assessment of preoperative and operative risk factors for complications after iterative peritonectomy procedures


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Aims: This study is the first to evaluate the clinical and treatment-related risk factors for perioperative toxicity and mortality in patients with peritoneal recurrence that underwent iterative cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with or without perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (PIC). The aim is to improve patient selection. Methods: Fifty-seven consecutive iterative CRS procedures were performed in 40 patients between June 2000 and September 2008. Forty-seven patients were administered PIC. Adverse events were rated from grades I to V with increasing severity. Grade I toxicity was self limiting; grade II required medical intervention; grade III required an invasive intervention; grade IV required returning to intensive care unit or operating theatre; and grade V resulted in patient death during hospital stay. Risk factors for grades III and IV/V toxicity were determined. Results: The mortality rate was 2%. The grades III and IV/V toxicity rate was 18% and 19%, respectively. A peritoneal cancer index >16 (p - 0.020), operation length >9 h (p = 0.045), number of peritonectomy procedures >2 (p - 0.045) and a suboptimal cytoreduction {p = 0.031) were the risk factors for grade IV/V toxicity. Conclusions: Iterative CRS and PIC procedures have an acceptable rate of perioperative toxicity in carefully selected patients. Patients with high tumour burden requiring extensive surgical dissection are at highest risk of a severe adverse event. Thorough preoperative evaluation of patients is necessary to improve both perioperative and postoperative outcomes.
机译:目的:本研究是第一个评估接受或不进行围手术期腹膜内化疗(PIC)的反复细胞减灭术(CRS)的腹膜复发患者围手术期毒性和死亡率的临床和治疗相关危险因素的研究。目的是改善患者选择。方法:自2000年6月至2008年9月,对40例患者进行了57例连续CRS迭代手术。47例患者接受了PIC。不良事件的严重程度从I级到V级进行分级。一级毒性是自我限制的; II级需要医疗干预; III级需要侵入性干预; IV级要求返回重症监护病房或手术室; V级导致住院期间患者死亡。确定了III级和IV / V级毒性的危险因素。结果:死亡率为2%。 III级和IV / V级毒性率分别为18%和19%。腹膜癌指数> 16(p-0.020),手术时间> 9 h(p = 0.045),腹膜切除术次数> 2(p-0.045)和细胞减少次佳(p = 0.031)是IV级的危险因素/ V毒性。结论:反复进行的CRS和PIC程序在精心挑选的患者中具有可接受的围手术期毒性率。肿瘤负荷高,需要进行广泛手术切除的患者,发生严重不良事件的风险最高。为了改善围手术期和术后结果,必须对患者进行充分的术前评估。



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