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'In vitro' study about the effect of several penicillins during the fermentation of yogurt made from ewe's milk


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Ewe milk spiked with three beta-lactams (penicillin G, amoxicillin and ampicillin) at three concentrations (0.5, 1 and 1.5 times the MRL) were used to study the evolution of pH during the incubation of yogurts made from ewe's milk. Antibiotic activitywas controlled by the Delvotest SP~R, which detected all antibiotics at the MRL or superior concentration, but only penicillin G under the MRL. The pasteurization treatment (80 deg C, 1 min) reduced the detection for all antibiotics. Ampicillin showed delays in the pH decrease (until 40 min more) at all assayed concentrations and penicillin G when the MRL concentration was exceeded. No delays were stated when amoxicillin occurred in yogurt at any concentration.
机译:母乳中掺入三种浓度(MRL的0.5、1和1.5倍)的三种β-内酰胺(青霉素G,阿莫西林和氨苄青霉素)用于研究在用母乳制成的酸奶孵育过程中pH的变化。抗生素的活性受Delvotest SP〜R的控制,该试剂可检测到MRL或更高浓度的所有抗生素,而MRL下仅检测到青霉素G。巴氏灭菌处理(80℃,1分钟)减少了所有抗生素的检出率。当超过最大残留限量时,氨苄西林在所有测定浓度和青霉素G均显示出pH降低延迟(直到40分钟以上)。酸奶中的任何浓度的阿莫西林都没有引起延迟。



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