
Methods for studying oogenesis


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Drosophila oogenesis is an excellent system for the study of developmental cell biology. Active areas of research include stem cell maintenance, gamete development, pattern formation, cytoskeletal regulation, intercellular communication, intercellular transport, cell polarity, cell migration, cell death, morphogenesis, cell cycle control, and many more. The large size and relatively simple organization of egg chambers make them ideally suited for microscopy of both living and fixed whole mount tissue. A wide range of tools is available for oogenesis research. Newly available shRNA transgenic lines provide an alternative to classic loss-of-function F2 screens and clonal screens. Gene expression can be specifically controlled in either germline or somatic cells using the Gal4/UAS system. Protein trap lines provide fluorescent tags of proteins expressed at endogenous levels for live imaging and screening backgrounds. This review provides information on many available reagents and key methods for research in oogenesis.
机译:果蝇卵子发生是研究发育细胞生物学的极好的系统。研究的活跃领域包括干细胞维持,配子发育,模式形成,细胞骨架调节,细胞间通讯,细胞间转运,细胞极性,细胞迁移,细胞死亡,形态发生,细胞周期控制等。卵室的大尺寸和相对简单的组织使其非常适合活体和固定整个组织的显微镜检查。各种各样的工具可用于卵子发生研究。最新可用的shRNA转基因品系为经典功能丧失的F2筛选和克隆筛选提供了替代方法。使用Gal4 / UAS系统,可以在种系或体细胞中特异性地控制基因表达。蛋白质捕集线提供了以内源水平表达的蛋白质的荧光标签,用于实时成像和筛选背景。这篇综述提供了有关卵子发生研究的许多可用试剂和关键方法的信息。



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