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Diagnostic ability in relation to clinical seminars and extended-matching questions examinations.


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CONTEXT: At the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, final year medical students participate in 70 problem-solving clinical seminars over a period of 2 months, concentrating on clinical reasoning for formulating differential diagnoses. The clinical seminars end in an examination consisting of 200 extended-matching questions (EMQs). OBJECTIVES: This study asks whether problem-solving clinical seminars improve clinical reasoning and whether the EMQ examination measures clinical decision making. In order to detect an increase in diagnostic ability, the Diagnostic Thinking Inventory (DTI) was applied. The research hypotheses were: (i) DTI scores will be higher after the seminars than before, and (ii) the correlations between DTI scores and EMQ examination scores will be significant. METHODS: In the academic year 2003-04, 3 series of problem-solving clinical seminars were held. At the beginning and end of each series the students filled in the DTI. This questionnaire measures 2 aspects of diagnostic thinking: the degree of flexibility in thinking, and how knowledge is structured in the memory. RESULTS: For all data together, the DTI scores after the clinical seminars were significantly higher than before. Pearson correlations between DTI scores and EMQ examination scores were low but significant, with the exception of post-test Structure (not significant). CONCLUSIONS: Two months of intensive problem-solving clinical training was accompanied by an improvement in diagnostic thinking, as measured by DTI scores. Correlation between DTI scores and examination scores indicates that the EMQs measure an aspect of student achievement that is related to clinical reasoning.
机译:背景:在比利时鲁汶大学(Kathholieke Universiteit Leuven),最后一年的医学生参加了为期2个月的70个解决问题的临床研讨会,重点是制定差异诊断的临床推理。临床研讨会以200个扩展匹配问题(EMQ)组成的考试结束。目的:本研究询问解决问题的临床研讨会是否可以改善临床推理,以及EMQ考试是否可以衡量临床决策。为了检测诊断能力的提高,应用了诊断思维量表(DTI)。研究假设是:(i)研讨会之后的DTI分数将比以前更高,并且(ii)DTI分数与EMQ考试分数之间的相关性很显着。方法:在2003-04学年,举办了3个系列的解决问题临床研讨会。在每个系列的开头和结尾,学生都填写了DTI。该问卷调查了诊断思维的两个方面:思维的灵活性程度,以及记忆中知识的结构方式。结果:就所有数据而言,临床研讨会后的DTI得分均显着高于以前。 DTI分数和EMQ考试分数之间的Pearson相关性很低,但很显着,但测后结构除外(不显着)。结论:根据DTI评分,两个月的强化问题解决临床培训伴随着诊断思维的改善。 DTI分数与考试分数之间的相关性表明EMQ衡量的是与临床推理相关的学生成绩的一个方面。



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