首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research >Defining Research Priorities for Nutrition and Mental Health: Insights from Dietetics Practice

Defining Research Priorities for Nutrition and Mental Health: Insights from Dietetics Practice


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In 2014, a national initiative aimed at defining a research agenda for nutrition and mental health among diverse stakeholders was completed and included insights from more than 300 registered dietitians. This study explores the data from dietitians based on their years of practice, mental health experiences, and community of practice in relationship to identified mental health and nutrition research priorities. Analysis of numerical data (n = 299) and content analysis of open-ended responses (n = 269) revealed that respondents desired research for specific mental health conditions (MHCs), emotional eating, food addiction, populations with special needs, and people encountering major life transitions (e. g., recovery from abuse, refugees). Findings from the quantitative and textual data suggested that dietitians want research aimed at addressing the concerns of those in the community, fostering consumer nutrition knowledge and skill acquisition, and developing services that will impact quality of life. Subgroup analysis indicated that dietitians: (i) in early years of practice want information about specific MHCs; (ii) living in smaller towns and rural areas want data about the cost benefits of dietetics practice in mental health; and (iii) who also had additional stakeholder roles (e. g., service provider) selected priorities that address gaps in mental health services. This study highlights opportunities to tailor nutrition and mental health research that advance dietetics practice.
机译:2014年,一项旨在定义各种利益相关者之间的营养和心理健康研究议程的国家倡议得以完成,其中包括来自300多个注册营养师的见解。本研究根据营养师的工作年限,心理健康经验以及与确定的心理健康和营养研究重点相关的实践社区,探索了营养师的数据。数值数据分析(n = 299)和开放式答案的内容分析(n = 269)显示,受访者希望对特定的心理健康状况(MHCs),情绪饮食,食物成瘾,有特殊需求的人群和遇到的人进行研究主要的生活转变(例如,从虐待,难民中恢复过来)。从定量和文本数据中发现的结果表明,营养学家希望进行研究以解决社区中人们的关注,培养消费者的营养知识和技能,以及开发会影响生活质量的服务。亚组分析表明,营养师:(i)在实践的早期需要有关特定MHC的信息; (ii)生活在较小的城镇和农村地区,希望获得有关饮食疗法对心理健康的成本效益的数据; (iii)谁还承担了其他利益相关者的角色(例如,服务提供者),选择了解决精神卫生服务差距的优先事项。这项研究突出了机会,以量身定制营养和心理健康研究,以促进饮食实践。



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