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Sticky, Brittle, Soft or Tough: Texture Testing on Sweets is all in Good Taste


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As you enjoy your next juicy sweet why not stop to think about the physical testing which is required in the manufacturing process? Whether it is the hardness of chocolate or the strength of gels manufacturers know that consumers require consistent quality. Each characteristic is carefully controlled and can be subdivided into two main categories; sensory and physical. One of the most important physical tests is the measurement of viscosity, but unlike many commercial products there are virtually nointernational standards and test procedures. The inhomogeneity of the product also makes physical testing difficult and leads to large variations between the test results - even when tested on the same laboratory equipment. "
机译:当您享受下一个多汁的甜食时,为什么不停止考虑生产过程中所需的物理测试呢?无论是巧克力的硬度还是凝胶的强度,制造商都知道消费者需要稳定的质量。每个特性都经过仔细控制,可以细分为两个主要类别。感官和身体。粘度的测量是最重要的物理测试之一,但是与许多商业产品不同,实际上没有国际标准和测试程序。产品的不均匀性也使物理测试变得困难,并且即使在同一实验室设备上进行测试,也会导致测试结果之间存在较大差异。 ”



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